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Anatomical analysis of the cause of skin necrosis of the great toe after transplantation of the great toe nail flap.

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Necrosis of skin on the medial side of the great toe has been a significant complication of the great toe nail flap. To investigate the reason for this, a study of the blood supply of the medial side of the great toe was carried out on 55 feet with the injection of red latex into the arteries and on

Injuries to the great toe.

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OBJECTIVE Injuries to the great toe are common in athletes. While most are managed nonoperatively and allow return to sports activity, some great toe injuries are highly problematic and can impact function. The purpose of this review is to highlight several specific injuries and disease processes

Great toe necrosis predicts an unfavorable limb salvage prognosis.

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CONCLUSIONS The initial location of necrosis may affect the limb salvage rate. This study of 130 patients with chronic toe ulcers or gangrene was performed to assess whether the location of initial necrosis in the toes affected limb salvage prognosis. The patients were divided into 2 groups

Painful sesamoid of the great toe.

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The painful sesamoid can be a chronic and disabling problem and isolating the cause can be far from straightforward. There are a number of forefoot pathologies that can present similarly to sesmoid pathologies and likewise identifying the particular cause of sesamoid pain can be challenging. Modern

Non-alcoholic Wernicke encephalopathy: great masquerader.

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Thiamine is an important coenzyme, which is essential for metabolism and maintaining cellular osmotic gradient. Thiamine deficiency can cause focal lactic acidosis, alteration of the blood-brain barrier and the production of free radicals through cell death by necrosis and apoptosis. Wernicke

Great Vessels of Children: Takayasu's Arteritis.

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Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a granulomatous, large vessel vasculitis affecting primarily the aorta and its main branches. It is characterized by inflammation in the blood vessel wall, leading to either luminal occlusion or dilatation with aneurysm formation. The etiology of TA is unknown, but there

The great mimicker: fat necrosis of the breast--magnetic resonance mammography approach.

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Fat necrosis of the breast is a common benign inflammatory process resulting from injury to breast fat. The pathogenesis of fat necrosis helps to explain its imaging features, which range from benign to malignant-appearing findings. This article reviews the role of magnetic resonance mammography and

The blood supply to the great toe sesamoids.

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The purpose of this study was to define the intraosseous and extraosseous blood supply of the hallucal sesamoids by studying a total of 10 fresh-frozen, below-knee specimens with no evidence of vascular disease. Most specimens were injected with high grade India ink, cleared using a standard

Reconstruction of fingertip defects with great toe pulp grafts.

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Various methods have been used to treat fingertip defects that are caused when distal parts are amputated. In this study, we used the pulp graft harvested from the lateral aspect of the great toe. Between September 2004 and August 2006, the great toe pulp graft were performed on 16 patients. The

The Great Imitator: Ocular Syphilis Presenting as Posterior Uveitis.

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BACKGROUND Syphilis is often known as the "Great Imitator". The differential diagnosis of posterior uveitis is broad with ocular syphilis being particularly challenging to diagnose as it presents similarly to other ocular conditions such as acute retinal necrosis. METHODS A 34-year-old woman with

Susceptibility Factors for Early Reamputation in Diabetic Great Toe Gangrene.

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The effectiveness and efficiency of the treatment has long been important in diabetes and its complications, especially in the developing countries. Prolonged hospitalization and repeated surgery should be avoided due to clinical and economical reasons. Wound breakdowns or necrosis can

Cytokines Produced by Lymphocytes in the Incompetent Great Saphenous Vein.

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The pathogenesis of chronic venous disease (CVD) remains unclear, but lately inflammation is suggested to have an important role in its development. This study is aimed at assessing cytokines released by lymphocytes in patients with great saphenous vein (GSV) incompetence. In 34 patients exhibiting

CD40 and autoimmunity: the dark side of a great activator.

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CD40 is a tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member expressed by immune and non-immune cells. CD40:CD154 interactions mediate T-dependent B cell responses and efficient T cell priming. Thus, CD40 is a likely candidate to play roles in autoimmune diseases in which activated T and B cells

Newly characterized distinct phases of the coral disease 'atramentous necrosis' on the Great Barrier Reef.

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Previously undetected earlier phases of the coral disease 'atramentous necrosis' are documented and described. New observations relating to the occurrence of initial stages and progression of the disease are reported, and potential cause(s) are examined. In direct contrast to earlier published

National legislation in Great Britain for the control of fish diseases.

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The Diseases of Fish Act 1937 of Great Britain is almost certainly the longest-standing example of national legislation specifically devised to control fish diseases. It was introduced in response to several outbreaks of furunculosis disease in wild salmon and other fish species in the rivers of
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