Haitian Creole

heart murmurs/dental caries

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Evaluation of Diagnostic Methods in the Differentiation of Heart Murmurs in Children.

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BACKGROUND The most common clinical sign in pediatric cardiology is a heart murmur (organic and inorganic). Organic are sign of heart disease, while inorganic (basically divided into accidental and functional) murmurs occur on anatomically healthy heart. OBJECTIVE To determine the justification of

["Innocent" heart murmurs].

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The paper presents the review of the literature data and the results of the authors' own experience in the aspects of the origin and clinical interpretation of "innocent" cardiac murmurs (ICM). It was suggested that ICM were a regular phenomenon in the majority of the young people. Contradictions in

Can fibrotic bands in the aortic arch cause innocent murmurs in childhood?

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Children with innocent murmurs are often referred to a paediatric cardiologist for diagnosis. The most common murmurs of early childhood are the so-called Still's murmurs, followed by ejection murmurs across the pulmonary or aortic vessels, and the venous hum. There also exists a high coincidence of
The present study offers the possibility of individuating the genesis of innocent murmurs. 30 patients between 5 and 20 years, showing at the phonocardiogram a train of oscillations in a proto-mesosistolic or mesosistolic phase with characteristics that testify an innocent murmur, have been

[The role of abnormally located chordae in the origin of accidental heart murmurs in children].

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A study of 55 children with accidental systolic and diastolic heart murmurs demonstrated that abnormal chorda position (ACP), detected at echocardiography in various heart cavities, was the principal contributing factor. The relationship between the intensity and other parameters of systolic murmurs

Cardiac murmur associated with an abnormal chest x-ray film.

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Investigation of a cardiac murmur and thrill in an asymptomatic 35-year-old man revealed a foreign body lying within the left ventricular cavity. Upon questioning, the man revealed that he had been shot in the chest years earlier. This is the first reported adult case of a retained intracardiac

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Prevalence, Hypertrophy Patterns, and Their Clinical and ECG Findings in a Hospital at Qatar.

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BACKGROUND Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetic disease associated with risk of morbidity and sudden cardiac death. The prevalence, hypertrophy patterns, mode of presentations, and different ECG findings vary in different regions of the world. To date, no data is present regarding these

Clinical features of isolated left ventricular noncompaction in children.

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BACKGROUND Ventricular noncompaction is a rare unclassified cardiomyopathy due to intrauterin arrest of compaction of the loose interwoven meshwork with limited data regarding diagnosis and outcome in children. METHODS In this study we describe clinical features of isolated left ventricular

Are yearly physical examinations in adolescents necessary?

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BACKGROUND Recommendations regarding the frequency of routine physical examinations for adolescents have varied from one examination every 2 to 3 years to yearly evaluations. Because none of these recommendations was based on studies regarding the usefulness of such examinations, it was pertinent to
Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGA) is a rare and complex congenital anomaly characterized by atrial-ventricular (AV) discordance and ventricular-arterial discordance. Ventricular noncompaction (VNC) is a rare unclassified cardiomyopathy due to the arrest in

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in infants: clinical features and natural history.

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The clinical and morphologic features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 20 patients recognized as having cardiac disease in the first year of life are described. Fourteen of these 20 infants were initially suspected of having heart disease solely because a heart murmur was identified. However, the

The effect of hydration status on the echocardiographic measurements of normal cats.

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BACKGROUND Diagnosis of cardiomyopathy of cats is based on 2-dimensional (2D) echocardiography. However, circulating fluid volume largely determines diastolic cardiac chamber dimensions, and reduced diastolic volume in other species results in what has been called "pseudohypertrophy of the
A case with ruptured aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva into the right atrium directly visualized by cross-sectional echocardiography was reported. A 31-year-old male was referred to our hospital for evaluation of recently developed cardiac murmur. A systolic ejection murmur and diastolic blowing

Echocardiographic and morphologic examination of left ventricular false tendons in human and animal hearts.

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False tendons are thin, fibrous or fibromuscular structures that traverse the cavity of the left ventricle with no connection to the valvular cusps; they may be single or multiple. We retrospectively analyzed echocardiograms for the prevalence of false tendons in the hearts of 368 (231 male, 137

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: atypical presentation.

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We report an unusual case of the left sided diaphragmatic hernia in which the left lobe of the liver blocked the herniation of the intestinal contents into the chest and the clinical symptoms were not apparent at birth. The patient was a full term infant born to a mother whose antenatal care
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