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Sinonasal hemangiopericytoma caused hypophosphatemic osteomalacia: A case report.

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Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is a rare, paraneoplastic syndrome featured with fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) secretion primarily by benign mesenchymal tumors and sometimes by malignancies. TIO diagnosis and treatment is often delayed because TIO usually has nonspecific

Intraventricular Hemangiopericytoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.

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BACKGROUND Hemangiopericytomas are rare intracranial neoplasms that generally occur in the fifth decade of life and are commonly dural-based, supratentorial tumors. They are classified as World Health Organization grade II or III because of their aggressive nature with high rates of local recurrence

Metastatic hemangiopericytoma to the cauda equina: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Hemangiopericytoma is an aggressive tumor associated with high recurrence and metastasis. Metastases are usually delayed, long after diagnosis of the primary lesion. Metastatic hemangiopericytoma to the spinal cord is especially rare. OBJECTIVE To report a rare clinical presentation of a

Intraventricular hemangiopericytoma.

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Hemangiopericytoma is a rare tumor of the central nervous system and has seldom been reported intraventricularly. A 55-year-old woman presented with gradual onset of left side weakness, gait ataxia, and tendency to miss objects in the left visual field of uncertain duration. Magnetic resonance

Intracranial meningeal hemangiopericytoma: 10 years experience of a tertiary care Institute.

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BACKGROUND Intracranial meningeal hemangiopericytoma (HPC) represents a rare and aggressive intracranial neoplasm located along the dural sinuses. It constitutes less than 1 % of all intracranial tumors and approximately 2-4 % of all meningeal tumors. The authors present our institute's experience

Atypical meningeal hemangiopericytoma presenting with punched-out calvarial erosion

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Meningeal hemangiopericytoma (HPC) is an infrequent but distinct entity affecting the craniospinal axis. A previously healthy 48-year-old man sustained a gradually progressing motor weakness in the left lower extremity. CT showed a hyperdense mass in the right frontal lobe. On MRI, it was 29 × 30 ×

Intramedullary Solitary Fibrous Tumor--A Benign Form of Hemangiopericytoma? Case Report and Review of the Literature.

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BACKGROUND Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) are benign tumors of the soft tissue occurring anywhere in the human body but arise predominantly in the visceral pleura. SFTs of the central nervous system are rare, especially when they occur within the spinal cord. METHODS We present a case of an

Hemangiopericytoma of the cervicothoracic spine: a case report and literature review.

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A case of hemangiopericytoma in the cervicothoracic spine is reported. A 43-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with pain in the scapular region radiating to the left upper extremity, numbness, and weakness of the legs. Magnetic resonance image revealed an intraspinal, extradural mass at the

Primary epidural hemangiopericytoma of the thoracic spine: Case report and literature review.

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Hemangiopericytoma (HPC) is a rare tumor originating from pericapillary cells. Rarely found in the central nervous system, it is extremely rare in the spinal canal. Because of the low incidence of this tumor, its radiographic features and clinical manifestations have not been extensively studied and

Primary epidural hemangiopericytoma in the lumbar spine: a case report.

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METHODS A case report of primary epidural hemangiopericytoma in the lumbar spine and a review of the literature are presented. OBJECTIVE To present the result of pathologic diagnosis using immunohistochemical staining and the treatment of spinal hemangiopericytoma. BACKGROUND Spinal

How to differentiate spinal cord hemangiopericytoma from common spinal cord tumor?

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Tumors of the spinal cord are rare and some can be confused with each other. We report a rare spinal cord solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma (SFT/HPC), and propose keys to differentiate spinal cord tumors from each other.A 67-year-old man presented
METHODS Review the presentation and diagnosis of an intradural extramedullary hemangiopericytoma of the thoracic spine. OBJECTIVE To present a rare case of intradural, subpial hemangiopericytoma in the thoracic spine, with a brief overview of the literature. BACKGROUND Spinal intradural

Clinical and pathological characteristics of primary intraspinal hemangiopericytoma and choice of treatment.

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BACKGROUND Primary intraspinal hemangiopericytoma is a rare malignant mesenchymal tumor with high rates of recurrence and metastasis. Surgery is the main therapeutic procedure for this lesion. This clinical research was undertaken to analyze the pathological characteristics, clinical course, and the

Intradural hemangiopericytoma of the thoracic spine: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Hemangiopericytoma (HPC) occurs infrequently in the central nervous system. Spinal involvement is particularly uncommon; and intradural localization is rare. Here, we describe an intradural extramedullary thoracic HPC that went undiagnosed initially on computed tomography scan of the

Spinal hemangiopericytoma: an institutional experience and review of literature.

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OBJECTIVE Hemangiopericytoma is a rare tumor of CNS with potential for recurrence and widespread metastasis, even outside CNS with even rare involvement of spinal cord. This case series presents five patients to evaluate the clinical presentation, radiological features, management, pathology and
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