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Heparan sulfate hexasaccharide selectively inhibits cancer stem cells self-renewal by activating p38 MAP kinase.

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Heparan sulfate (HS) plays a role in the majority of essential hallmarks of cancer, yet its ability to modulate self-renewal, especially of cancer stem cells (CSCs), remains unknown. We have discovered that a non-anticoagulant HS hexasaccharide (HS06) sequence, but not other shorter or longer

A Unique Non-Saccharide Mimetic of Heparin Hexasaccharide Inhibits Colon Cancer Stem Cells via p38 MAP Kinase Activation.

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Targeting of cancer stem cells (CSCs) is expected to be a paradigm-shifting approach for the treatment of cancers. Cell surface proteoglycans bearing sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains are known to play a critical role in the regulation of stem cell fate. Here, we show for the first time that

Total syntheses of tumor-related antigens N3: probing the feasibility limits of the glycal assembly method.

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The total syntheses of two octasaccharide antigens isolated from human milk, 1 and 2, and their corresponding allyl glycosides, 3 and 4, have been achieved by utilizing the glycal method. Convergent assembly of the core hexasaccharides and concurrent introduction of two alpha-L-fucosyl moieties at
A new synthesis of the hexasaccharide MBr1 antigen (globo-H) is reported. A revised construction with improved efficiency was necessary because an anti-cancer vaccine containing this antigen is entering phase II and phase III clinical trials for prostate cancer. The key feature of this second

Structure elucidation and anti-tumor activity in vivo of a polysaccharide from spores of Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) Karst.

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To explore new anti-tumor constituents in the fungi, a water-soluble polysaccharide, WGLP was obtained from spores of Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) Karst. The average molecular weight of this polysaccharide was estimated to be 1.5 × 104 Da. Monosaccharide composition analysis indicated that it

Angiogenesis inhibition and tumor regression caused by heparin or a heparin fragment in the presence of cortisone.

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Heparin or a heparin fragment administered with cortisone inhibited angiogenesis, caused regression of large tumor masses, and prevented metastases. Oral administration of heparin resulted in the release of non-anticoagulant heparin fragments in the serum which, in the presence of cortisone, had
Psychrobacter marincola KMM 277T is a psychrophilic Gram-negative bacterium that has been isolated from the internal tissues of an ascidian Polysyncraton sp. Here, we report the structure of the capsular polysaccharide from P. marincola KMM 277T and its

Affinity of monoclonal antibodies for Globo-series glycans.

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Globo-series glycans are human cell-surface carbohydrates that include stem-cell marker SSEA-4 and cancer-cell antigen Globo H. These two hexasaccharides differ only in their terminal saccharide: N-acetylneuraminic acid in SSEA-4 and L-fucose in Globo H. Herein, we evaluated the affinity of the
To discover drug candidates with anti-angiogenesis activity for cancer therapeutics, three galactooligosaccharides (OJ1-OJ3) were prepared by acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharides from Nerium indicum Mill. Their structures were characterized using sugar analysis, methylation analysis, and both 1D

Hyaluronan synthase 1 (HAS1) produces a cytokine-and glucose-inducible, CD44-dependent cell surface coat.

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Hyaluronan is a ubiquitous glycosaminoglycan involved in embryonic development, inflammation and cancer. In mammals, three hyaluronan synthase isoenzymes (HAS1-3) inserted in the plasma membrane produce hyaluronan directly on cell surface. The mRNA level and enzymatic activity of HAS1 are lower than
Six new partially acylated resin glycosides were isolated from convolvulin of Ipomoea purga, Ipomoea stans, and Ipomoea murucoides (Convolvulaceae). The structures of compounds 1-6 were elucidated by a combination of NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The structure of jalapinoside B (1)

The redefinition of Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide O-antigen and core-oligosaccharide domains.

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Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide promotes chronic gastric colonisation through O-antigen host mimicry and resistance to mucosal antimicrobial peptides mediated primarily by modifications of the lipid A. The structural organisation of the core and O-antigen domains of H. pylori

Recognition of Dimeric Lewis X by Anti-Dimeric Le x Antibody SH2

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The carbohydrate antigen dimeric Lewis X (DimLex), which accumulates in colonic and liver adenocarcinomas, is a valuable target to develop anti-cancer therapeutics. Using the native DimLex antigen as a vaccine would elicit an autoimmune response against the Lex

Synthesis and characterization of a novel chemically designed (Globo)3-DTPA-KLH antigen.

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In recent years, many experiments have been conducted for the production and evaluation of anticancer glycoconjugated vaccines in developed countries and many achievements have been accomplished with Globo H derivatives. In the current experiment, a new chemically designed triplicate version of

A new cytotoxic lanostane-type triterpene glycoside from the sea cucumber Holothuria impatiens.

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A new lanostane-type triterpene glycoside, impatienside A (1), was isolated from the sea cucumber Holothuria impatiens, together with a structurally related, known compound, bivittoside D (2). Their structures were elucidated by in-depth spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric methods, including (1)H-,
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