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The influence of betaine on untrained and trained horses exercising to fatigue.

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Because exercise fatigue has been associated with the accumulation of lactic acid, factors that influence lactate metabolism during exercise can potentially enhance performance. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of supplemental betaine on eight mature Thoroughbred horses before

Experimental rayless goldenrod (Isocoma pluriflora) toxicosis in horses.

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Rayless goldenrod (Isocoma pluriflora) sporadically poisons horses and other livestock in the southwestern United States. Similar to livestock poisoning by white snakeroot (Ageratina altissima) in the midwestern United States, previous research suggests that benzofuran ketones (BFK: tremetone,

Nutrition and fuel utilization in the athletic horse.

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Substrate depletion and end product accumulation are two important factors in exercise fatigue. Fatigue during long-term exercise results from a depletion of muscle and liver glycogen and coincides with an inability to maintain blood glucose levels. During high intensity exercise, the rapid

Metabolic responses to ammonium acetate infusion in exercising horses.

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The relationship between elevated plasma ammonia (NH3) levels, fatigue development and muscle metabolism were examined in horses during a submaximal fatigue test. Eight Quarter Horse mares were intravenously infused prior to exercise with either sodium acetate (control) or ammonium acetate (AMINF),

Evaluation of Biological Indicators of Fatigue and Muscle Damage in Arabian Horses After Race.

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The aim of this study was to assay changes in blood biochemical parameters that resulted from exercise-induced muscle fatigue in horses participating in the two races (1,250 and 1,400 meters). Six male Arabian horses (3 to 6 years old) were used in this study. Blood samples were collected at time

Central fatigue and nycthemeral change of serum tryptophan and serotonin in the athletic horse.

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BACKGROUND: The serotonergic system is associated with numerous brain functions, including the resetting of the mammalian circadian clock. The synthesis and metabolism of 5-HT in the brain increases in response to exercise and is correlated with high levels of blood-borne tryptophan (TRP). The

Mechanistic basis for the gas exchange threshold in Thoroughbred horses.

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The exercising Thoroughbred horse (TB) is capable of exceptional cardiopulmonary performance. However, because the ventilatory equivalent for O2 (VE/VO2) does not increase above the gas exchange threshold (Tge), hypercapnia and hypoxemia accompany intense exercise in the TB compared with humans, in

In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and In Vivo Anti-Fatigue Effect of Sea Horse (Hippocampus) Peptides.

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This study investigated changes the in vitro antioxidant activity of Hippocampus polypeptides during enzymatic hydrolysis, including the effects of enzyme species, enzyme concentration, material-liquid ratio, hydrolysis time, pH, and temperature of the reaction system. Its in vivo anti-fatigue

Effect of triheptanoin on muscle metabolism during submaximal exercise in horses.

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OBJECTIVE To compare effects of corn oil or a 7-carbon fat (triheptanoin) on acylcarnitine, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism in plasma or muscle of exercising horses. METHODS 8 Thoroughbred geldings. METHODS Horses received isocaloric diets containing 650 mL of oil (triheptanoin or corn oil)/d for

Cardiorespiratory measurements and indices of oxidative stress in exercising COPD horses.

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The effect of a COPD crisis on arterial blood gases, heart rate, lactate and indices of oxidative stress were investigated before, during and 1 h after a 'run up to fatigue' in 6 COPD horses. They were investigated twice, randomly: once in acute crisis (C) and once in clinical remission (R).

Adenine nucleotide degradation in the thoroughbred horse with increasing exercise duration.

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Adenine nucleotide (AN) degradation has been shown to occur during intense exercise in the horse and in man, at or close to the point of fatigue. The aim of the study was to compare the concentrations of muscle inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) and plasma ammonia (NH3) during intense exercise with the

Effect of tryptophan and of glucose on exercise capacity of horses.

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We hypothesized that central fatigue may have a role in limiting the endurance capacity of horses. Therefore, we tested the effect of infusing tryptophan and/or glucose on endurance time and plasma concentrations of free tryptophan and other substrates thought to affect tryptophan uptake into the

Dehydration, stress, and water consumption of horses during long-distance commercial transport.

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The aim of this study was to characterize progressive dehydration, stress responses, and water consumption patterns of horses transported long distances in hot weather and to estimate recovery time after 30 h of transport. Thirty adult mares and geldings were deprived of access to feed and water for

The influence of metabolic alkalosis upon exercise metabolism in the thoroughbred horse.

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Six thoroughbred horses exercised on a motorised treadmill on two separate occasions at a speed of 11 or 12 m.s-1 for up to 2 min. 4 h prior to exercise each horse was given a 21 test solution of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3; 0.6 body mass) or a control solution of water by nasogastric

Carbohydrate supplementation of horses during endurance exercise: comparison of fructose and glucose.

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To delay the onset of fatigue, endurance horses are often fed at rest stops during races. The resulting increase in blood insulin may adversely inhibit lipolysis. In humans, ingestion of fructose produces a smaller insulin rise than glucose. This study compared glucose and fructose as carbohydrate
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