Haitian Creole


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A sixth-century Irish headache cure and its use in a south German monastery.

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Medieval headache treatment is largely unknown. Medieval incantations against headache enumerate bodily organs to be protected. One 8th-century Latin hymn from Lake Constance using this device is addressed to St. Aid "mechprech", who has been identified as Aed Mac Bricc, Bishop of Killare, 6th

[A 65-year-old woman with headache, facial pain, and progressive multiple cranial neuropathy].

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We report a 65-year-old woman with progressive multiple cranial neuropathy. She had been suffered from bronchial asthma since 1979 for which prednisolone had been prescribed. She noted an onset of pain around her nose in October, 1989, which extended into the periorbital regions bilaterally. In

Production of the first effective hyperimmune equine serum antivenom against Africanized bees.

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Victims of massive bee attacks become extremely ill, presenting symptoms ranging from dizziness and headache to acute renal failure and multiple organ failure that can lead to death. Previous attempts to develop specific antivenom to treat these victims have been unsuccessful. We herein report a

Arboviral infections of the central nervous system--United States, 1996-1997.

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Arboviruses include mosquitoborne and tickborne agents that persist in nature in complex cycles involving birds or mammals, including humans. Arboviral infection can cause fever, headache, meningitis, encephalitis, and sometimes death. During 1996-1997, health departments in 19 states reported to

Traumatic lumbar pseudomeningocele occurring with spina bifida occulta.

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Pseudomeningocele in the lumbar spine due to spinal fractures or surgical procedures are well-recognized complications. We treated a 24-year-old man who fell from a horse, landing on his buttocks, and developed headaches, back pain, and a large lumbar subcutaneous fluid collection. Plain radiographs
In 2018-19, Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1), the causative agent of Borna disease in horses, sheep, and other domestic mammals, was reported in five human patients with severe to fatal encephalitis in Germany. However, information on case frequencies, clinical courses, and detailed

[Human ehrlichiosis. Review].

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Human ehrlichiosis is a newly recognized tick-borne disease. Since 1935 Ehrlichia canis has been known as a cause of illness in dogs and other canine species, and for a few years it was related with human disease. In 1990, Ehrlichia chaffeensis was isolated from a man suspected of having

[West Nile disease: review of clinical features and risk factors associated with severe disease].

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West Nile Disease (WND) is an acute viral disease that is transmitted by a mosquito vector. Birds are the virus reservoirs and the natural amplifying hosts for the life cycle of the virus. Mammals, such as horses and humans, are secondary accidental hosts. In human cases the disease can be

[West Nile virus: a reality in Mexico].

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West Nile virus (WNV) is a RNA virus of the Flaviridae, genus flavivirus family. It is a neuropathogenic virus causing disease in birds, horses and humans. WNVis transmitted by the vector mosquito Culex sp. The virus life 's cycle includes mosquitoes as vectors and birds as natural hosts. Humans are

Takotsubo syndrome (or apical ballooning syndrome) secondary to Zolmitriptan.

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Takotsubo syndrome (TS), also known as broken heart syndrome, is characterized by left ventricle apical ballooning with elevated cardiac biomarkers and electrocardiographic changes suggestive of an acute coronary syndrome (ie, ST-segment elevation, T wave inversions, and pathologic Q waves). We

[Large distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm associated with azygos anterior cerebral artery: case report].

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A 51-year-old woman presented with a distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm (DACAA) manifesting as severe headache and monoparesis of the left lower limb. Computed tomography revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage in the interhemispheric fissure, bilateral sylvian fissures, and basal cistern, and a

Meningitis due to Streptococcus equi in a 73 year old woman with an osteodural defect

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Meningitis caused by Streptococcus equi (SE) is a rare disease associated with high rates of complications. Commonly identified risk factors are regular horse contact and consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. When diagnosed promptly, this infection can be cured. We report the case of a

A Rapid Quantitative Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Vitamin B12 in Human Serum.

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Vitamin B12 is very important for the human body. Early diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency is essential because it is associated with many problems such as fatigue, lethargy, depression, poor memory, breathlessness, headaches, pale skin, mania, psychosis, etc. Most of the vitamin B12

A curiosity in the history of sciences: the words "megrim" and "migraine".

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Vertigo has been described by medical doctors since Antiquity, but the condition is not limited to human medicine. It is also interesting to note that vertigo-related disorders were long only mentioned in the descriptions of migraine: however, in the Corpus Hippocraticum, a pain with vertigo (odunê
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