Haitian Creole


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Alleviation of postanesthetic hypoxemia in the horse.

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This study was designed to investigate the effect of the nasotracheal insufflation of oxygen at a flow rate of 15 L/min on the arterial partial pressure of oxygen during the recovery period following inhalation anesthesia in the horse. It has been stated that this is a suitable flow rate to prevent

Mechanism of exercise-induced hypoxemia in horses.

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Arterial hypoxemia has been reported in horses during heavy exercise, but its mechanism has not been determined. With the use of the multiple inert gas elimination technique, we studied five horses, each on two separate occasions, to determine the physiological basis of the hypoxemia that developed

Pulmonary artery pressures in normal horses and in horses affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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Horses clinically affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were found to have pulmonary artery hypertension which was associated with systemic arterial hypoxia. The pulmonary hypertension in symptomatic COPD-affected horses was partially reversible upon remission of clinical signs

Anesthesia for the horse with colic.

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This article discusses anesthesia for horses with colic from acute gastrointestinal disease. Emphasis is placed on new developments in pre-, intra-, and immediate postoperative management over the last decade, including early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) in the resuscitation of septic patients, the

Exercise-induced hypercapnia in the horse.

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The effects of exercise intensity and duration on blood gases in thoroughbred horses were studied to characterize the apparent exercise-induced failure in pulmonary gas exchange that occurs in these animals. In response to 2 min of exercise, arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) decreased in mild and

Tourniquet-induced hypertension in a horse.

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Arterial hypertension developed in a horse anesthetized for arthroscopy and lavage of an inflamed right carpal joint. Anesthesia was induced with xylazine HCl, butorphanol, guaifenesin, and thiamylal Na and was maintained with halothane in oxygen. Arterial hypertension and tachycardia developed

Post-anesthetic pulmonary edema in two horses.

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CASE 1: A two-year old, 462 kg Standard bred horse was anesthetized for arthroscopy and castration. During anesthesia, hyperemia of the mucosal membranes and urticaria were noticed. During 5 hours of anesthesia subcutaneous edema of the eyelids and neck region developed. In the recovery box, the

Highly athletic terrestrial mammals: horses and dogs.

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Evolutionary forces drive beneficial adaptations in response to a complex array of environmental conditions. In contrast, over several millennia, humans have been so enamored by the running/athletic prowess of horses and dogs that they have sculpted their anatomy and physiology based solely upon

Cardiac and Respiratory Disease in Aged Horses.

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Respiratory and cardiac diseases are common in older horses. Advancing age is a specific risk factor for cardiac murmurs and these are more likely in males and small horses. Airway inflammation is the most common respiratory diagnosis. Recurrent airway obstruction can lead to irreversible structural

Extravascular lung water in the exercising horse.

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Seven Standardbred horses were exercised on a treadmill at speeds (approximately 12 m/s) producing maximal heart rate, hypoxemia, and a mean pulmonary arterial pressure of approximately 75 mmHg. Extravascular lung water was measured by using transients in temperature and electrical impedance of the

Controlling the misuse of cobalt in horses.

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Cobalt is a well-established inducer of hypoxia-like responses, which can cause gene modulation at the hypoxia inducible factor pathway to induce erythropoietin transcription. Cobalt salts are orally active, inexpensive, and easily accessible. It is an attractive blood doping agent for enhancing

Detomidine-propofol anesthesia for abdominal surgery in horses.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate propofol for induction and maintenance of anesthesia, after detomidine premedication, in horses undergoing abdominal surgery for creation of an experimental intestinal adhesion model. METHODS Prospective study. METHODS Twelve horses (424 +/- 81 kg) from 1 to 20 years of age (5

General clinical considerations for anesthesia of the horse.

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The peculiarities of the equine species present a number of unique situations that must be addressed when horses are anesthetized. Perhaps the most troublesome situation is related to the horse's size. Though the horse's large lungs are responsible in part for its sustainable athletic ability, they

Pathophysiology of airway obstruction in horses: a review.

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Obstruction of the upper and lower airways is common in horses. In the upper airway, paresis of abductor muscles of the nares and larynx allows inspiratory collapse of soft tissues, which is accentuated by factors increasing upper airway resistance and by high inspiratory flow rates. Intrapulmonary

Effects of training on the development of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in horses.

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OBJECTIVE To compare the development of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in horses before and after training, and to determine whether increases in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) following training results in a greater degree of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. METHODS 13 three- to
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