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Effect of dietary medium chain triacylglycerols on plasma triacylglycerol levels in horses.

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The hypothesis tested was that the feeding of medium chain triacylglycerols (MCT) to horses would raise the level of plasma triacylglycerols by increasing the availability of glucose as lipogenic substrate, implying that the MCT effect would be greater with glucose in the diet instead of cellulose.

Total parenteral nutrition in four healthy adult horses.

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Total parenteral nutrition was accomplished in 4 healthy adult horses. During the 10-day study, the horses were not permitted to ingest food or water. Body weight was maintained at 94% of initial values without clinical evidence of dehydration. Serum urea nitrogen and triacylglycerol concentrations

Plasma Apelin Concentration in Exercised Horses: Preliminary Study.

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Physical effort is one of the key aspects of keeping horses in good condition. The condition of the animal is reflected by multiple blood parameters. The newly discovered cytokine-apelin can pose one of them, however, so far, has not been studied in the horse population. Apelin is produced by

Influence of dietary beetpulp on the plasma level of triacylglycerols in horses.

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In a cross-over study with six adult horses, the effect of isoenergetic replacement of dietary glucose by beetpulp on the concentration of plasma triacylglycerols was studied. The test ration contained 25% beetpulp in the dietary dry matter. The feeding of beet pulp lowered plasma triacylglycerol

Indirect measurement of the production of plasma triacylglycerols by horses given a high-fat diet.

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The hypothesis tested was that the feeding of extra fat to horses would raise the production of plasma triacylglycerols (TAG). To measure TAG secretion, the indirect Triton method was used. Six adult horses were given a low-fat control or a high-fat diet according to a crossover design. In keeping
Previous studies have demonstrated that phenytoin decreases the levels of triacylglycerols in several tissues other than skeletal muscle. Since phenytoin is clinically effective in several skeletal muscle disorders, triacylglycerol metabolism in skeletal muscle from four normal Quarter horses and

Metabolic adaptation to fat-supplemented diet by the thoroughbred horse.

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Following 10 weeks of fat supplementation a group of aerobically trained thoroughbred horses exhibited a significant decrease in postprandial plasma triacylglycerol concentration. This decrease was associated with a mean 50% increase in plasma total lipase activity following pentosan polysulfate

Horse pancreatic lipase. The crystal structure refined at 2.3 A resolution.

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Pancreatic lipase (EC plays a key role in dietary fat digestion by converting triacylglycerols into 2-monoacylglycerols and free fatty acids in the intestine. Although the crystallographic structures of the human pancreatic lipase and of a human lipase-porcine colipase complex have been

The welfare of young Polish Konik horses subjected to agricultural workload.

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Every year a new group of young Polish Konik colts are separated from the forest herds to be trained in the stable breeding system. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the young Polish Konik horses who had been born in a forest reserve adapt to and tolerate draft work. Two groups of 6 horses

Lipidomic analysis of immune activation in equine leptospirosis and Leptospira-vaccinated horses.

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Currently available diagnostic assays for leptospirosis cannot differentiate vaccine from infection serum antibody. Several leptospiral proteins that are upregulated during infection have been described, but their utility as a diagnostic marker is still unclear. In this study, we undertook a

The plasma level of triacylglycerols in horses fed high-fat diets containing either soybean oil or palm oil.

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The influence of dietary soybean oil versus palm oil on the plasma level of triacylglycerols was determined in a crossover experiment with four horses. Based on published data for humans and laboratory animals it was expected that a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids in the form of soybean oil

Changes in plasma leptin concentration during different types of exercises performed by horses.

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Leptin is a tissue-derivative adipokine that regulates appetite, food intake and energy expenditure. It is still not clear how exercise affects plasma leptin concentration in horses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exercise intensity and duration on plasma leptin levels in

Fatty acid composition of the plasma lipids of the maternal and newborn horse.

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The fatty acid composition of the plasma free fatty acid, triacylglycerol and phospholipid fractions was measured in blood and milk samples taken daily from 3 mares and their foals on Days 1-9 post partum inclusive, and from a total of 12 mares and foals on Days 22, 30 and 51. A rise in the plasma

Improved efficacy of prebiotic by flaxseed oil and horse chestnut in experimental colon cancer.

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OBJECTIVE This experimental work was designed to investigate the efficacy of prebiotic by itself and in combination with Hyppocastani extractum siccum, and Lini oleum virginale on selected parameters in rats with dimethylhydrazine induced colon cancer. METHODS Rats were randomly divided into 5
In a Latin square design, six horses were fed hay and concentrates with isoenergetic amounts of either starch, cellulose or medium chain triacylglycerols (MCT). The dietary variables provided on average 22% of total dietary net energy. Plasma triacylglycerols and other variables of lipid metabolism
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