Haitian Creole


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Hypoxia or hypercapnia impairs diaphragmatic contractility and induces fatigue. However, little is known about the combined effect of hypoxic and hypercapnic acidosis (HHA) on diaphragmatic fatigue. In this study, a gas mixture (21% O2, 12% CO2 and 67% N2) was used to produce HHA-induced rat

Size and composition changes in diaphragmatic fibers in rats exposed to chronic hypercapnia.

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OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that chronic hypercapnia changes the composition of the respiratory muscle by continuous augmentation of ventilation. METHODS Eighteen male Wistar rats were housed in 10% CO(2) in air for 19 weeks, and their minute ventilation V(E) was measured every 6 weeks. The

Meropenem Induced Hypokalemia.

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Meropenam, a beta-lactam antibiotic has been used for severe infections of skin, tissue, intra- abdominal and urogenital infections in hospitalized patients. The common adverse effects reported are diarrhoea, vomiting, rashes and hypersensitivity reactions. Here we report two cases of meropenam
The efficacy of acupuncture and transcutaneous stimulation analgesia, supplemented by small doses of fentanyl (mean 1.2 micrograms/kg, SD 1.7) was compared with moderate-dose fentanyl anaesthesia (mean 22.9 micrograms/kg, SD 2.8) in 29 patients who underwent surgery for retroperitoneal lymph node

Physiologic factors predisposing to chronic respiratory failure.

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V(A)/Q mismatching and load/capacity imbalance are the major physiologic determinants of chronic respiratory failure. The former underlies lung failure and the consequent development of hypoxemia. The latter causes chronic ventilatory failure and hypercapnia. This is the consequence of an

Ventilatory response to fatiguing and nonfatiguing resistive loads in awake sheep.

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To study the changes in ventilation induced by inspiratory flow-resistive (IFR) loads, we applied moderate and severe IFR loads in chronically instrumented and awake sheep. We measured inspired minute ventilation (VI), ventilatory pattern [inspiratory time (TI), expiratory time (TE), respiratory

Acute severe asthma: new approaches to assessment and treatment.

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The precise definition of a severe asthmatic exacerbation is an issue that presents difficulties. The term 'status asthmaticus' relates severity to outcome and has been used to define a severe asthmatic exacerbation that does not respond to and/or perilously delays the repetitive or continuous

Respiratory muscle function.

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The functional anatomy of the respiratory muscles has been reviewed. The diaphragm has been emphasized, since this is the most important inspiratory muscle, but the view has been presented that the intercostal, scaleni, and other accessory inspiratory muscles become increasingly important as airflow

Cerebral vasomotor reactivity in fibromyalgia patients and its relationship to central neuropathic pain.

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Background - Cerebral vasomotor reactivity, defined as the cerebral vasculature response to hypoxia, is not wellunderstood in fibromyalgia (FM) patients. This study investigated the difference in the cerebrovascular reactivity (i.e., responsiveness to hypercapnia was evaluated by use of breath-

[Causes of CO2 retention in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease].

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The mechanisms of chronic ventilatory failure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are complex. This paper analyses the diverse available information: mechanical factors and gas-exchange, fighter vs. non-fighter, the ventilatory pattern theory and the fatigue threshold theory. Finally we comment

Mechanistic basis for the gas exchange threshold in Thoroughbred horses.

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The exercising Thoroughbred horse (TB) is capable of exceptional cardiopulmonary performance. However, because the ventilatory equivalent for O2 (VE/VO2) does not increase above the gas exchange threshold (Tge), hypercapnia and hypoxemia accompany intense exercise in the TB compared with humans, in

The effect of aminophylline on function and intracellular pH of the rat diaphragm.

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We studied the effect of aminophylline on twitch tension (TT) and intracellular pH (pHi) in isolated rat diaphragm strips that were fatigued, hypercapnic, or hypoxic. Superfused muscles were directly stimulated at 0.5 Hz. The pHi was measured from distribution volumes of dimethyl-oxazolidinedione.

[Myopathy associated with respiratory insufficiency: diagnostic difficulties in adult-onset Pompe disease].

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BACKGROUND Adult-onset acid maltase deficiency myopathy is a rare lysosomal storage disease with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. The disease can be manifested with respiratory insufficiency and fatigue. METHODS A case of a 45-year-old male patient is presented, and difficulty in

Respiratory muscle strength and muscle endurance are not affected by acute metabolic acidemia.

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Respiratory muscle fatigue in asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) contributes to respiratory failure with hypercapnia, and subsequent respiratory acidosis. Therapeutic induction of acute metabolic acidosis further increases the respiratory drive and, therefore, may diminish

Branched-chain amino acids and respiration.

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A series of investigations suggest a specific role for BCAA in the regulation of respiration. In vitro incubation studies have shown that BCAAs improve the recovery of muscle force after fatigue. Further investigations revealed that leucine plays a key role in this action and acts in a manner not
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