Haitian Creole


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Plasma endotoxin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the hyperkinetic state of cirrhosis.

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OBJECTIVE The factors which trigger the hyperdynamic circulation in cirrhosis remain poorly defined. Plasma levels of the potent vasodilators endotoxin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha may be elevated in patients with cirrhosis, and therefore the potential role of these substance was assessed in the
We aimed to study the proportion of patients with movement disorders in seropositive autoimmune encephalitis of non-neoplastic aetiology and also to describe the spectrum of movement disorders in them. We prospectively screened 362 patients of age >12 years with encephalitis of unknown aetiology for

[Facial myokomias in brain stem tumors].

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Four cases of brain-stem tumor were described, in which myokymias were electromyographically derived from the region of several cerebral nerves. An attempt is made to interpret the effects of twitching by reference to the electromyogram. Myokymias are a positive indication of organic brain stem

Child Neurology: Diencephalic syndrome-like presentation of a cervicomedullary brainstem tumor.

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Diencephalic syndrome is a rare clinical entity, traditionally encompassing severe failure to thrive, nystagmus, and hyperkinesis, secondary to an intracranial neoplasm that is classically located in the hypothalamic region and its vicinity. However, the presenting features can be variable, often

[A case of primary cardiac tumor in childhood. Echographic and anatomo-pathologic study].

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Primary cardiac tumors are rare in children. The benign forms constitute 90% of cases, with often fatal clinical course due to the origin site. Here is reported a case of fibroelastic hamartoma in a four month baby, with multiple malformations, in which the initial signs have been alterations of ECG

[Hyperkinetic portal hypertension. Arterioportal fistula: problems--case reports--review of the literature].

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Hyperkinetic portal hypertension is caused by pathological arterioportal shunts. Clinical differentiation is necessary between extrahepatic fistulas, splenoportal hypertension (arteriovenous anastomoses at the level of the pre-penicilary arteries) and intrahepatic fistulas in "active" cirrhosis and

Secondary malignant lesions of the heart and pericardium in neoplastic disease.

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The present work is based on the analysis of clinical data and instrumental studies of 240 patients with metastases and malignant tumors extended to the heart and pericardium. Tumor lesion process of the pericardium is accompanied by the complex of symptoms of acute pericarditis (fibrosis,

Arterioportal fistulas (APF) in liver tumors: prognosis in relation to treatment.

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Prognosis of 16 patients with hepatic tumors and angiographically proven arterioportal fistulas was analysed in relation to treatment. Six patients received only conservative therapy; they all died of variceal bleeding in the course of two months after angiography. Hepatic resection was performed in

[Radiotherapy in case of intracerebral formation of metastases of non-seminomatous testicle tumors (author's transl)].

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The subject of this study were non-seminomatous testicle tumors with cerebral formation of metastases. Despite the relatively low radiosensitivity of the primary tumors and their regional metastases eighteen of twenty patients were free of symptoms, and a complete regression of the intracerebral

Neuropathological diagnostic considerations in hyperkinetic movement disorders.

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Neuropathology of hyperkinetic movement disorders can be very challenging. This paper starts with basic functional anatomy of the basal ganglia in order to appreciate that focal lesions like for instance tumor or infarction can cause hyperkinetic movement disorders like (hemi)ballism. The
Ondansetron was compared with metoclopramide for antiemetic efficacy in a randomised double-blind trial in 122 patients with advanced breast cancer. All patients were treated with epirubicin (greater than 50 mg/m2) and cyclophosphamide (greater than 500 mg/m2). 50 patients receiving ondansetron and

Botulinum toxin in the treatment of facial synkinesis and hyperkinesis.

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OBJECTIVE Facial synkinesis and hyperkinesis commonly impair the outcome of facial nerve palsy. Botulinum toxin type A has shown positive results in the treatment of these symptoms. Our experience is reported in this article. METHODS Prospective study. METHODS Forty-one patients affected by facial

Wilms's tumour and aniridia: clinical and cytogenetic features.

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A survey carried out to detect children with aniridia/Wilms's tumour syndrome identified 8 living and 3 dead children. The incidence of aniridia was found to be 1 in 43 among Wilms's tumour patients in the UK. The clinical features included complete bilaterial aniridia, cataracts, glaucoma, mental

[The biopsy of brain structures in patients with extrapyramidal hyperkinesia].

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A new device for brain biopsy is presented, the techniques and method of biopsy of brain structures are described which allow full value biopsy material to be obtained from any area of the brain with minimal risk for the patient and high accuracy of hitting the aim. Biopsy of the cerebral and

Recent advances in diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytoma.

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Pheochromocytomas are rare tumours of catecholamine-producing chromaffin cells leading to hypertension and symptoms of catecholamine excess. They can be benign or malignant, sporadic or familial tumours. Genetic syndromes associated with pheochromocytoma are MEN II, VHL disease and neurofibromatosis
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