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Terminal and interstitial deletions of 2p25.3 (size < Mb), detected by array-CGH analysis, have been reported in about 18 patients sharing common clinical features represented by early-onset obesity/ overweightness associated with intellectual disabilities (ID) and behavioural troubles. This

Isolated systolic hypertension, obesity, and hyperkinetic hemodynamic states in children.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of isolated systolic hypertension in children. METHODS School-based measurement was performed of blood pressure (BP), heart rate, weight, and height in 2460 students (49% Hispanic, 31% black, 13% white) 12 to 16 years of age in 8

Forearm haemodynamics in obese normotensive and hypertensive subjects.

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Forearm haemodynamics using pulsed Doppler flowmetry were studied in 83 men: 15 non-obese and eight obese normotensive subjects; 30 non-obese and 30 obese hypertensive patients. Mean ages were similar in the four subgroups. The blood pressure of normotensives and hypertensives was identical in obese

[Regional hemodynamics of the forearm. Comparison between obese and non-obese hypertensive patients].

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Forearm hemodynamics using pulsed Doppler flowmetry were studied in 83 men: 15 non-obese and 8 obese normotensive subjects; and 30 non-obese and 30 obese hypertensive patients. Mean ages were similar in the four subgroups. The blood pressure of normotensives and hypertensives was identical in obese

Influence of excess fat on cardiac morphology and function: study in uncomplicated obesity.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether or not "uncomplicated" obesity (without associated comorbidities) is really associated with cardiac abnormalities. METHODS We evaluated cardiac parameters in obese subjects with long-term obesity, normal glucose tolerance, normal blood pressure, and regular plasma
BACKGROUND An increasing number of clinical and epidemiological studies suggest a possible association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity/overweight. However, overall evidence is mixed. Given the public health relevance of ADHD and obesity/overweight, understanding

Thermoregulatory phenotype of the Trpv1 knockout mouse: thermoeffector dysbalance with hyperkinesis.

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This study aimed at determining the thermoregulatory phenotype of mice lacking transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channels. We used Trpv1 knockout (KO) mice and their genetically unaltered littermates to study diurnal variations in deep body temperature (T(b)) and thermoeffector

Radiotelemetric characterization of overweight-associated rises in blood pressure and heart rate.

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We addressed the hypothesis that hypercaloric diets induce hyperkinetic hypertension irrespective of day-night cycle and locomotor activity that is associated with altered cardiac myosin isozymes. Normotensive rats with implanted radiotelemetry pressure transducers were fed increasing amounts of

Abnormalities of autonomic nervous control in human hypertension.

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The pathophysiology of various stages of hypertension is different. In early hyperkinetic borderline hypertension, the sympathetic drive to the heart and blood vessels is increased while the parasympathetic cardiac inhibition is decreased. The elevated cardiac output, vascular resistance, and blood

[Clinico-hemodynamic characteristics of patients with initial signs of hypertension].

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Multifactor analysis was used to make clinical and hemodynamic comparisons in 42 patients with borderline arterial hypertension, 27 with Stage I hypertension, 40 with Stage II hypertension, and 40 healthy persons. Central hemodynamic parameters at rest and during graded bicycle ergometer exercise

Changing role of the autonomic nervous system in human hypertension.

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Pathophysiological effects of the autonomic nervous system are clearly seen in young patients with a high cardiac output and borderline hypertension. As the hypertension progresses, there is a change from the hyperkinetic circulation in borderline hypertension to the increased vascular resistance

Hemodynamic and neurohumoral evidence of multifaceted pathophysiology in human hypertension.

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As hypertension advances, secondary pathophysiologic changes are induced in multiple organs. Consequently, we investigated the pathophysiology of the earliest forms of hypertension--e.g., borderline hypertension. Borderline hypertension is associated with abnormal autonomic control of the

Expanding the ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 4 phenotype.

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Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 4 (AOA4) is an autosomal recessive (AR) disorder recently delineated in a Portuguese cohort and caused by mutations in the PNKP (polynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase) gene.(1) AOA4 is a progressive, complex movement disorder that includes hyperkinetic features,

[Severe acute respiratory distress syndrome complicating type A (H1N1) influenza treated with extracorporeal CO2 removal].

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BACKGROUND The influenza pandemic of 2009 was reported to be frequently associated with pulmonary complications, including ARDS. We report the case of a morbidly obese, 37-year-old, AH1N1-infected woman, who was admitted to a regional hospital because of rapidly progressing respiratory failure. She

International collaborative study on juvenile hypertension. 2. First follow-up report. International Collaborative Group.

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From 17 634 children born in 1964 and screened in 1977 two sample groups were selected: 10% of children from the upper 5% of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure distribution curves (95th percentile and above) were taken to form an "upper" group, and 10% from the remainder as a "lower" group.
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