Haitian Creole


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[A case of systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with marked intestinal edema and paralytic ileus].

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A 43-years-old female was admitted to our hospital because of facial erythema and photosensitivity in 1983 and was diagnosed as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). She was treated with betamethazone 2.5 mg/day as an outpatient. Abdominal pain and diarrhea were developed in September, 1995. So she

Hypertonic saline resuscitation prevents hydrostatically induced intestinal edema and ileus.

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OBJECTIVE We have shown that acute edema induced by mesenteric venous hypertension (MV-HTN) impairs intestinal transit and reduces the standardized engineering measures of intestinal stiffness (elastic modulus) and residual stress (opening angle). We hypothesized that hypertonic saline (7.5%) would
To compare the usefulness of the self-expanding metallic stent (SEMS) with that of the transanal drainage tube (TDT) and emergency surgery after failure of decompression (ESFD) in patients with malignant colonic obstruction (MCO), and to evaluate post-decompression histopathologic changes. From

Video-assisted laparoscopic enterolithotomy: new technique in the surgical management of gallstone ileus.

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Our goal was to analyze the results obtained with the surgical treatment of gallstone ileus using a new video-assisted laparoscopic technique. Six patients with gallstone ileus were admitted to the Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín of Buenos Aires between March 1996 and April 1998. The

Effects of octreotide on healing of mechanical ileus in rats.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of octreotide on mechanical ileus without surgical intervention. METHODS This study was organized to investigate the effects of octreotide Sandostatine one microgram/ml- Sandoz, a long acting analogue of somatostatin, in a mechanical ileus model in Sprague-Dowley
BACKGROUND Entero-enteric fistulas are rare complications that occur in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and other intestinal diseases. In this report, we present an ileo-ileal fistula accompanied by severe malnutrition caused by strangulated ileus surgery while preserving the ischemic ileum

Kawasaki's disease with paralytic ileus. A case report.

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The authors report on an 18 month-old boy affected by Kawasaki's disease (KD). The diagnosis of KD was made after exclusion of conditions with similar presentation. Two days after admission the child presented vomiting, abdominal distension, meteorism and increase of scrotal swelling with edema. An

[Nonimmune hydrops fetalis associated with congenital small bowel atresia--a case study].

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Nonimmune hydrops fetalis is observed with the frequency of 1:3000 cases diagnosed pre- and postnatally. In the following paper the authors analyzed the course of pregnancy complicated by fetal ascites and polyhydramnios with the appearance of colonic ileus and they presented the postnatal condition
BACKGROUND Administration of L-nil, a selective inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), improves ileus in an animal model of resuscitation induced intestinal edema. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the iNOS/nitric oxide (NO) signal transduction pathway in intestinal

Intestinal edema: effect of enteral feeding on motility and gene expression.

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OBJECTIVE Edema formation, inflammation, and ileus in the intestine are commonly seen in conditions like gastroschisis, inflammatory bowel disease, and cirrhosis. We hypothesized that early enteral feeding would improve intestinal transit. We also wanted to study the impact of early enteral feeding

[Gallstone ileus and cholecystoduodenal fistula. Case report].

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OBJECTIVE We report on a patient with gallstone ileus and cholecystoduodenal fistula at the Hospital de Especialidades, Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI (IMSS) Mexico City, Mexico. METHODS A 54-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. He had

[Clinical use of endoscopic ileus tube drainage in preoperative therapy for acute low malignant colorectal obstruction].

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical use of endoscopic ileus tube drainage in preoperative therapy for acute low malignant colorectal obstruction. METHODS From Nov. 2004 to Dec. 2005, 15 cases with acute low malignant colorectal obstruction received emergency colonoscopy and endoscopic ileus tube

[Hypoproteinemia causing postoperative "interstitial" paralytic ileus].

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On the basis of recent pathophysiological data and clinical observations in three patients, this paper draws attention to the commonly neglected importance of postoperative hypoproteinemia as the cause of an edema of the intestinal wall with a consequent "interstitial" paralytic ileus. The

Postoperative ileus: pathogenesis and treatment.

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Surgical manipulation of the intestines activates intestinal macrophages that release cytokines and nitric oxide, which results in inhibition of intestinal motility. Subsequent infiltration of circulating leukocytes into the intestinal wall contributes to cytokine and nitric oxide release and

Comparative analysis of MDCT and MRI in diagnosing chronic gallstone perforation and ileus.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate MDCT and MRI in identifying chronic gallstone perforation (GSP) and ileus, even the risk factors prior to perforation. METHODS Twenty-three cases of gallstone ileus (GSI) and three cases of calculus gallbladder-choledochus perforation were scanned by MDCT before treatment.
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