Haitian Creole

jasmonic acid/kartafla

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[Changes in the plastid apparatus of apical meristem cells of potato tubers upon growth regulation with jasmonic acid].

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A comparative ultramorphometric study of the effect of jasmonic acid (JA) on the plastid apparatus in apical cells of potato tubers varying in physiological state was performed. When tubers were treated with JA at forced rest, the plastid apparatus of apical cells decreased in area and plastid
The stereochemically restricted bicyclic analogue of 7-epi-jasmonic acid was synthesized from a known bicyclo[3.3.0]octane derivative. The enol triflate derived from the bicyclic compound was subjected to palladium-catalyzed coupling with allyltributyltin to give the desired carbon skeleton.
The involvement of jasmonates in the tuber development has been proved by the presence of many of these compounds in potato stolons, modification of their levels during the transition of the stolon into tuber, and induction of cell expansion upon exogenous jasmonates treatment. However, to date
Mechanical damage to leaf tissue causes an increase in abscisic acid (ABA) which in turn activates the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid (JA). The resulting higher endogenous JA levels subsequently activate the expression of wound-inducible genes. This study shows that JA induces the expression of

The influence of jasmonic acid on biophysical properties of potato leaf protoplasts and roots.

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Jasmonic acid (JA) and its derivatives are a novel group of plant endogenous growth regulators. In our experiments some new data about the physiological effects of JA were obtained using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Experiments were performed on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.
Potato is major crop ensuring food security in Europe, and blackleg disease is increasingly causing losses in yield and during storage. Recently, one blackleg pathogen, Dickeya solani has been shown to be spreading in Northern Europe that causes aggressive disease development. Currently,

Jasmonic acid affects plant morphology and calcium-dependent protein kinase expression and activity in Solanum tuberosum.

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The effect of jasmonic acid (JA) on plant growth and on calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) activity and expression was studied in non-photoperiodic potato plants, Solanum tuberosum L. var. Spunta, grown in vitro. Stem cuttings were grown for 45 days (long treatment, LT) in MS medium with

Jasmonic Acid Enhances the Potato Plant Resistance to the Salt Stress in Vitro.

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The protective effect of jasmonic acid (JA) was evaluated under the stress conditions (100 mM NaCl). The potato plants Solanum tuberosum L, mid-season variety Lugovskoy, were used in the experiments. The plant-regenerants were grafted and grown in test tubes on the modified Murashige and Skoog agar

Jasmonic acid inducible aspartic proteinase inhibitors from potato.

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A new cDNA clone coding for an aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologue was isolated from a potato tuber cDNA library. Southern blot analysis was used to study the structural diversity of the aspartic proteinase inhibitor gene family in several species of the Solanaceae. The existence of

Jasmonic acid-inducible gene expression of a Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor in potato tuber disks.

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Messenger RNAs of a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor(s) (PKPI) were present in potato disks excised from tubers stored for 14 months (old tubers) or 2 months (young tubers) after harvest, and disappeared during the aseptic culture. The PKPI mRNA accumulation was found

Metabolism of deuterium-labeled jasmonic acid and OPC 8:0 in the potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.).

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The metabolism of deuterium-labeled (+/-)-jasmonicacid and 3-oxo-2-[(Z)pent-2'-enyl]-cyclopentan-1- octanoic acid in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was examined by using cultures of potato single-node stems. Deuterium-labeled (+/-)-jasmonic acid and 3-oxo-2-[(Z) pent-2'-enyl]cyclopentan-1-octanoic

Exogenously applied jasmonic acid induces changes in apical meristem morphology of potato stolons.

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Hooked apex stolons and initial swelling stolons of potato plants were treated with 3 x 10-8 mol l-1 jasmonic acid (JA) to study the effect of this compound on histology, cell expansion and tissue differentiation. In hooked apex stolons, JA application increased the meristem thickness and reduced
Both jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester, methyl jasmonate (MeJA), are thought to be significant components of the signaling pathway regulating the expression of plant defense genes in response to various stresses. JA and MeJA are plant lipid derivatives synthesized from [alpha]-linolenic acid

PAMP-induced defense responses in potato require both salicylic acid and jasmonic acid.

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To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-induced defense responses in potato (Solanum tuberosum), the role of the signaling compounds salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) was analyzed. Pep-13, a PAMP from Phytophthora, induces the

[Effect of jasmonic acid on Ca+2 transport through the plasmalemma of potato tuber cells].

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The rate of Ca2+ accumulation in plasmalemma vesicles isolated from quiescent and sprouting potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers and the effect of 10(-5) - 10(-10) M jasmonic acid on the accumulation of Ca+2 in plasmalemma vesicles and its efflux were studied. It was found that potato tuber
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