Haitian Creole

larva migrans/hitasótt

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HIV, cutaneous larva migrans and fever.

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The authors describe two cases of cutaneous larva migrans associated with fever in two HIV-positive patients. Laboratory and instrumental examinations allowed to exclusion of other possible causes of fever. The presence of fever in patients with cutaneous larva migrans might represent a marker of

Hepatic Visceral Larva Migrans Causing Hepatic Venous Thrombosis and Prolonged Fever.

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BACKGROUND Visceral larva migrans may present with systemic symptoms such as fever, hepatomegaly, pneumonitis or ocular symptoms. UNASSIGNED A 7-year-old girl with fever, pain abdomen and persistent eosinophilia. Imaging and histopathology were suggestive of visceral larva migrans. UNASSIGNED The

Larva migrans as a cause of fever in an HIV-positive man.

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Larva migrans as a cause of fever in an HIV-positive man.

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[Visceral larva migrans. A rare cause of eosinophilia in adults].

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Toxocariasis is a cosmopolitan infection of dogs and cats with a roundworm resembling Ascaris. Man becomes infected by ingesting eggs from the environment. The infection occurs mainly in children. There are two distinct syndromes: visceral larva migrans and ocular toxocariasis. The author describes

Visceral larva migrans presenting as acute abdomen in a child.

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An unusual presentation of visceral larva migrans observed in a patient is reported. A 5-year-old boy suffering fever, abdominal pain, tenderness, and rigidity in the right lower and upper quadrant of the abdomen was operated on, with the false diagnosis of acute abdomen, and exploratory surgery was

Visceral larva migrans (toxocariasis) in Toronto.

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A 7-year-old child was admitted to Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children in 1976 with symptoms and laboratory findings compatible with visceral larva migrans, a disease usually caused by Toxocara canis. This prompted a search for other cases seen at the hospital during the period 1952 through 1978.

[Visceral larva migrans syndrome and hepatic abscess: A case report].

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Toxocariasis canis or catis is a zoonotic infection disseminated in humans. Human beings can act as non-natural hosts in which the parasite can survive for long periods of time and they become infected by the ingestion of geohelminth eggs. These can be located on the ground, playgrounds and

Hepatic granulomas due to visceral larva migrans in adults: appearance on US and MRI.

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Visceral larva migrans is a syndrome characteristically involving children with a history of pica, and usually presents with fever, abdominal pain, tender hepatomegaly, and hypereosinophilia. Hepatic granulomas of visceral larva migrans are rare in adults. We describe three adult patients with

Visceral larva migrans presenting as multiple liver abscesses.

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Eosinophilic necrotizing granulomas in the liver, known as visceral larva migrans (VLM), are a rare cause of liver abscesses. The term VLM refers to infections in human tissues caused by the larval stages of ascarid worms of dogs and cats. We report two cases of VLM which presented with high grade

Tropical dermatology: cutaneous larva migrans, gnathostomiasis, cutaneous amebiasis and trombiculiasis.

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In today's world, many people can travel easily and quickly around the globe. Most travel travel-related illnesses include fever, diarrhea, and skin disease, which are relatively uncommon in returning travelers. We review four of the most common emerging infestations and skin infections in the

[Visceral larva migrans in adults with severe pulmonary manifestations].

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BACKGROUND Toxocariosis, the most frequent cause of visceral larva migrans, is usually a disease of children due to ingestion of eggs from the roundworm of dogs (Toxocara canis). Clinical expression varies from an symptomatic state to fuminant disorders; hepatomegaly with fever is frequent. Severe

[Case of Toxocara canis larva migrans cured by additional treatment with albendazole].

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A 42-year-old man presented at our emergency department with fever, sputum, and dyspnea. His chest X-ray films showed ground-glass opacities mainly in the upper and middle lung fields. We diagnosed pneumonia, gave antibiotic treatment, and his symptoms improved. However he later showed eosinophilia.

Good outcome with early empiric treatment of neural larva migrans due to Baylisascaris procyonis.

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We report a remarkably good outcome in a 14-month-old boy with early clinical diagnosis and aggressive empirical treatment of neural larva migrans caused by the raccoon roundworm Baylisascaris procyonis. He presented with fever, meningismus, lethargy, irritability and asymmetric spastic extremity

Hepatic visceral larva migrans: evolution of the lesion, diagnosis, and role of high-dose albendazole therapy.

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An unusual presentation of hepatic involvement of visceral larva migrans is described. A 45-yr-old male presented with fever, pain in the right upper quadrant, and persistent eosinophilia. Ultrasound initially detected a solitary hypoechoic area in the right lobe of the liver which rapidly
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