Haitian Creole


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Muscle injections with lidocaine improve resting fatigue and pain in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

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OBJECTIVE Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) complain of long-lasting fatigue and pain which are not relieved by rest and worsened by physical exertion. Previous research has implicated metaboreceptors of muscles to play an important role for chronic fatigue and pain. Therefore, we

Attenuation of hyperoxia-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction with lidocaine in hamsters.

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OBJECTIVE Toxic free radicals cause dysfunction of respiratory muscles, probably leading to respiratory distress. Exposure to high concentrations of oxygen generates plenty of free radicals. Lidocaine scavenges the reactive molecules. The purposes of the current study were first to examine whether
The authors report 4 cases of pseudo-myasthenic syndrome followed with EMG for a period varying from a few months to 4 years. They go over the electrophysiological points which led to the diagnosis: small amplitude of the muscle potential evoked by simple shock and, in particular, the phenomenon of

Topical amitriptyline, ketamine, and lidocaine in neuropathic pain caused by radiation skin reaction: a pilot study.

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OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of topical amitriptyline, ketamine, and lidocaine (AKL) on alleviation of neuropathic pain from radiation dermatitis and the feasibility of a randomized trial. METHODS Eligible subjects had radiation dermatitis with dry or moist
We present a case of unknown fever and abnormal liver functions which developed during the course of pain management for herpes zoster with repeated epidural blocks with 0.5% lidocaine 10 ml. The patient was a 67 year old woman. At her first admission to dermatology, there were no abnormal findings

Diphenylhydantoin and lidocaine modification of A-V conduction in halothane-anesthetized dogs.

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The effect of halothane on A-V conduction was evaluated in gods during atrial pacing using the technique of His-bundle electrocardiography. In addition, the effects of lidocaine and diphenylkydantoin (DPH) on A-V conuction were examined during halothane anesthesia. Effects of these drugs on three

Lidocaine attenuates sepsis-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction in hamsters.

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OBJECTIVE Sepsis or endotoxemia causes diaphragmatic dysfunction, which may contribute to respiratory distress. Toxic free radicals are partly responsible for the pathogenesis. Lidocaine scavenges the reactive molecules. The purpose of the current study was to examine whether lidocaine prevents the

The effect of early ambulation on the incidence of neurological complication after spinal anesthesia with lidocaine.

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BACKGROUND Transient neurological symptoms (TNS), was described in patients recovering from spinal anesthesia with lidocaine but its etiology remains unknown this study was evaluated the influence of ambulation time on the occurrence of TNSs after spinal anesthesia with lidocaine 5%. METHODS This

Assessment of severity of methaemoglobinemia following fibreoptic bronchoscopy with lidocaine.

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BACKGROUND Lidocaine is commonly used for topical anaesthesia during fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) and it can cause methaemoglobinemia. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the severity of post-bronchoscopy methaemoglobinemia while using lidocaine as a topical anaesthetic agent. METHODS We

Acute intoxication of lidocaine and chlorpheniramine: report of one case.

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A case of acute intoxication involving lidocaine and chlorpheniramine (an antihistamine) in a 13-month-old child after ingestion of a commercial topical agent is presented. The major toxic reaction consisted of convulsion, coma, tachycardia, fever, and fatigue. This report shows that parents and

Effect of lidocaine and methyl lidocaine on cardiac conduction.

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The effects of lidocaine and methyl lidocaine on cardiac conduction were studied using His bundle recordings from isolated blood perfused dog hearts. The input and output characteristic of the atrioventricular (AV) node can be described as consisting of three components, namely, minimal conduction
Propofol-based sedations are widely used in ERCP procedures, but adverse respiratory or cardiovascular events commonly occur. Intravenous injection of lidocaine has an analgesic effect and can reduce the requirements of fentanyl and propofol during abdominal surgery. The objective of

Direct current therapy with/without lidocaine iontophoresis in myofascial pain syndrome.

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OBJECTIVE This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of lidocaine iontophoresis for inactivation of trigger points (TrPs) in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). METHODS Fifty-eight trigger points (cervical and/or periscapular regions) in 18 female and 2 male patients with MPS were

Functional walking capacity as an outcome measure of laparoscopic prostatectomy: the effect of lidocaine infusion.

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BACKGROUND Intravenous lidocaine infusion has been shown to affect postoperative pain intensity. This present study was performed to assess the effect of intra- and postoperative lidocaine infusion on postoperative functional walking capacity, as a measure of surgical recovery. METHODS Forty
OBJECTIVE To compare isobaric lidocaine and mepivacaine in outpatient arthroscopic surgery. METHODS Prospective, randomized, double-blinded study. METHODS Ambulatory surgery center affiliated with an academic tertiary-care hospital. METHODS 84 adult, ASA physical status 1, 2, and 3 ambulatory
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