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The purpose of the present study was to determine whether antiarrhythmic agents, lidocaine and disopyramide, which reveal a membrane stabilizing action, may exert a beneficial effect on posthypoxic recovery of cardiac function and metabolism. Rabbit hearts were perfused for 20 min under hypoxic
Hypoxia induces vasodilation, partly via the activation of K(+) channels. Lidocaine impairs vasorelaxation mediated by a K(+) channel opener, suggesting that this antiarrhythmic drug may inhibit hypoxia-induced vasodilation mediated by K(+) channels. We designed the current study to determine
BACKGROUND Sudden cardiac death generally arises from either ventricular fibrillation or asphyxial hypoxia. In an effort to translate the cardioprotective effects of adenosine and lidocaine (AL) from hemorrhagic shock to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we examined the effect of AL on hemodynamics and

Effect of hypoxia on the hepatic metabolism of lidocaine in the isolated perfused pig liver.

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The metabolism of lidocaine to monoethylglycinexylidide has been found useful as an indicator of liver function in association with liver transplantation. It has been postulated that this is due to the common effect of hypoxic damage on liver function and lidocaine metabolism. The effects of hypoxia

The effect of hypoxic hypoxia on the systemic and myocardial pharmacokinetics and dynamics of lidocaine in sheep.

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It was hypothesized that the increased myocardial blood flow known to occur during some types of hypoxia may alter the kinetics and dynamics of cardio-active drugs such as lidocaine that act directly on the myocardium. In a randomized cross-over design, iv lidocaine (100 mg over 2 min) was

Effect of acute and chronic moderate hypoxia on the kinetics of lidocaine and its metabolites and on regional blood flow.

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The effect of acute and chronic hypoxia on the disposition of lidocaine and its metabolites, and on regional blood flow has been examined in conscious beagles (n = 5). Each dog received an infusion of lidocaine for 5 h under three experimental conditions: (1) breathing air; (2) following acute

Influence of lidocaine and bupivacaine on isolated guinea pig atria in the presence of acidosis and hypoxia.

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In an isolated guinea pig atrial preparation, the bathing solution pH, PO2, and PCO2 were manipulated to mimic normal, acidotic, and hypoxic conditions. The effect of lidocaine and bupivacaine on spontaneous heart rate (HR) and contractile force (CF) was determined for 60 min under conditions of

Lidocaine reduces the hypoxia-induced release of an excitatory amino acid analog from rat striatal slices in superfusion.

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1. Lidocaine has been extensively investigated as a potential neuroprotective drug against ischemia-induced neurodegeneration without reaching any satisfactory conclusion. 2. The present work evaluates the effect of lidocaine -17 microM- on the hypoxia-induced release of tritiated D-aspartate from

Lung uptake of lidocaine during hyperoxia and hypoxia in the dog.

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BACKGROUND Lidocaine has been shown to accumulate in the lung following its administration. This study was undertaken to determine effects of dose of lidocaine on lung uptake during hyperoxic and hypoxic ventilation. METHODS Using cross-circulation of ventilation and constant-flow perfusion of the

Effect of hypoxemia on pharmacokinetics of endotracheal lidocaine in dogs.

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Endotracheal administration is an effective alternative method for giving drugs in the many clinical situations in which it is difficult or impossible to quickly obtain an intravenous line. Yet whether various clinical conditions such as hypoxemia have any effect on endotracheal drug therapy is not

The effect of lidocaine infusion on the ventilatory response to hypoxia.

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The authors studied the effect of lidocaine infusion on the ventilatory response to isocapnic hypoxia in nine healthy male subjects. Lidocaine infusion (serum concentration 3.6 +/- 0.1 micrograms/ml) was associated with a decrease in the shape factor, "A," of the hypoxic ventilatory response in

Effects of lidocaine on pulmonary circulation during hyperoxia and hypoxia in the dog.

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OBJECTIVE High concentrations of lidocaine have been found to cause pulmonary vasoconstriction and low concentrations (0.5-0.9 microgram/mL) to cause reversal of nitrous oxide-induced depression of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. This study was undertaken to examine the effects of high

The effects of lidocaine and hypoxia on phospholipid biosynthesis in the isolated hamster heart.

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In this study, the effects of lidocaine and hypoxia on the biosynthesis of phospholipids in the hamster heart were examined. Hamster hearts were perfused with [1,3-3H]glycerol under normal and hypoxic conditions, and in the absence or presence of 0.5 mg/mL lidocaine. After perfusion, the
High blood concentrations of local anesthetics are cardiotoxic. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of lidocaine and bupivacaine on the intrinsic pacemaker activity of in vitro sinoatrial nodal cells of the adult and neonatal guinea pig in the presence and absence of hypoxia and
The changes in laryngeal resistance (LR) during respiratory arrest produced by withdrawal of hypoxia stimulation and administration of various respiratory depressants were studied in 14 spontaneously breathing, anesthetized cats (11 cats with alpha-chloralose and three cats with halothane).
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