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Whiplash-associated chronic headache treated with home cervical traction.

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The subject of this case report was a 56-year-old woman who sustained a whiplash-associated disorder as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Within a few hours after the accident, she developed a headache, which became chronic, creating disability and hindering the quality of her life. In the
The convergence of cervical and trigeminal afferents on second-order neurons in the trigeminocervical nucleus may refer pain from the upper cervical spine into the head and face. Furthermore, "bi-directional interactions" between trigeminal and upper cervical afferents may also explain neck symptoms

An investigation of cervical spinal posture in cervicogenic headache.

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BACKGROUND Cervicogenic headache (CGH) is defined as headache symptoms originating from the cervical spine. Cervical dysfunction from abnormal posture has been proposed to aggravate or cause CGH, but there are conflicting reports as to whether there is an association between posture and
[Purpose] To present a case of the therapeutic reversal of a cervical kyphosis into a lordosis in a patient who presented with neck pain and headaches. [Subject and Methods] A 24-year-old male irritated his neck while dancing. Upon examination it was revealed he had an excessive, 45 mm forward head

Cervicogenic dysfunction in muscle contraction headache and migraine: a descriptive study.

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OBJECTIVE The prevalence and nature of findings of cervicogenic dysfunction is explored in subjects with muscle contraction/tension-type (MCH) headache and common migraine without aura (CM). METHODS Descriptive survey. METHODS Chiropractic outpatient research clinic. METHODS Forty-seven (47)
OBJECTIVE To evaluate a new 3-point bending type of cervical traction. METHODS Nonrandomized controlled trial of prospective, consecutive patients compared with control subjects. Follow-up patient data were obtained at 3 and 15(1/2) months, and 8 1/10 months for controls. METHODS Data were collected
BACKGROUND Anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion with instrumentation is a common procedure for the surgical treatment of cervical spinal cord and/or nerve root decompression or for deformity correction. However, various postoperative complications have been associated with such a surgical

A comparison of the head and cervical posture between the self-balanced position and the Frankfurt method.

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Head and cervical posture evaluation has been a concern for many years, not only because of the purported relationship that exists between head and cervical posture in the presence of temporomandibular disorders, neck pain and headache, but also because of the biomechanical relationship between the

Cervical Kyphotic Deformity Worsening After Extensor Cervical Muscle Paralysis from Botulinum Toxin Injection.

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Botulinum toxin (Botox) has long been used therapeutically to treat a variety of diseases, including migraine headaches, cervical spine dystonia, and chronic cervical spine pain, among many others. Although quite useful, Botox has been reported to cause adverse events, some of which

[The examination of vestibular system in patients with degenerative changes of the cervical spine].

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Degenerative changes of the cervical spine often cause the pains and vertigo as well as pathological results of otoneurological tests. The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency of the symptoms occurrence in the group of 146 patients, 63 male and 83 female, with degenerative changes of the

Clinical phenotype of South-East Asian temporomandibular disorder patients with upper airway resistance syndrome.

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Clinical and radiographic characteristics of a subset of South East Asian temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients with comorbid upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) were documented in a multi-center prospective series of 86 patients (26 men and 60 women / mean age 35.7 years). All had excessive

Biomechanics of whiplash injury.

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Despite a large number of rear-end collisions on the road and a high frequency of whiplash injuries reported, the mechanism of whiplash injuries is not completely understood. One of the reasons is that the injury is not necessarily accompanied by obvious tissue damage detectable by X-ray or MRI. An

Does cervical kyphosis relate to symptoms following whiplash injury?

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The mechanisms for developing long-lasting neck pain after whiplash injuries are still largely unrevealed. In the present study it was investigated whether a kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine, as opposed to a straight or a lordotic spine, was associated with the symptoms at baseline, and with

Reliability of a clinical test for deep cervical flexor endurance.

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OBJECTIVE Endurance deficiencies of the deep cervical flexors are associated with pain, increased lordosis, and headache. A need exists for reliable clinical tests of flexor endurance. This study determined intrarater and interrater reliability of such a test in persons without neck

Sitting and standing postures are corrected by adjustable furniture with lowered muscle tension in high-school students.

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This study compared the effect of 24 months of adjustable school desks and chairs usage (the intervention) and traditional non-adjustable usage (the control condition) on sitting and standing postures, muscle strength, classroom muscle tension, pain and learning in 15 (8 female and 7 male)
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