Haitian Creole

mental depression/serótónín

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Platelet serotonin in essential hypertension and in mental depression.

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The similarity between the metabolic pathways of serotonin in platelets and serotoninergic nerve endings has often been emphasized. The turnover of serotonin was therefore investigated in two diseases: hypertension (as central serotoninergic neurones appear to modulate central sympathetic nervous

Serotonin uptake inhibitors: uses in clinical therapy and in laboratory research.

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Fluoxetine, zimelidine, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, indalpine and citalopram are the selective inhibitors of serotonin uptake that have been most widely studied. Some of these compounds are or have been used clinically in the treatment of mental depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and

Lactose malabsorption is associated with early signs of mental depression in females: a preliminary report.

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Lactose malabsorption is characterized by a deficiency of mucosal lactase. As a consequence, lactose reaches the colon where it is broken down by bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, CO2, and H2. Bloating, cramps, osmotic diarrhea, and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are the consequence

Serotonin uptake and serotonin uptake inhibition.

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Serotonin uptake carriers occur on serotonin neurons, on glial cells and on blood platelets. The uptake carrier on serotonin neurons inactivates serotonin that has been released into the synaptic cleft by transporting it back into the nerve terminal. The serotonin uptake carrier is the means by

Pharmacology of central serotonin neurons.

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Drugs with improved potency and specificity are becoming available for the pharmacologic manipulation of serotonin neurons in brain. Both enhancement and impairment of serotoninergic function can now be achieved by drugs acting through different mechanisms. Drugs of this sort are not only valuable

Mental depression and kundalini yoga.

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In cases of mental depression, the plasma serotonin, melatonin and glutamate levels are increased along with the lowering of urinary - 5 - hydroxyindole acetic acid, plasma monoamine oxidase and cortisol levels following three and six months Practice of Kundalini Yoga. The pulse rate and blood
Multiple lines of investigation have explored the role of dopaminergic systems in mental depression. Chronic treatment with antidepressant drugs has been reported to alter dopaminergic neurotransmission, most notably a sensitization of behavioural responses to agonists acting at D2/D3 dopamine

Zinc modulation of serotonin uptake in the adult rat corpus callosum.

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Antidepressants partially inhibit the uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin) in the rat corpus callosum (CC), a white matter commissure involved in interhemispheric brain communication. It is also known that zinc modulates many proteins, including neurotransmitter transporters. We examined

Neopterin production, tryptophan degradation, and mental depression--what is the link?

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The cytokine interferon-gamma stimulates human monocytes/macrophages to release large amounts of neopterin. Increased neopterin concentrations in body fluids of patients are observed during diseases with activated cellular (=TH1-type) immune response such as allograft rejection, virus infections,

Sertraline concentrations and postmortem redistribution.

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Sertraline is a commonly prescribed selective inhibitor of serotonin uptake used for the treatment of mental depression and anxiety. Central blood and liver concentrations of sertraline (norsertraline) are compared to levels in peripheral blood in nine medical examiner cases. Specimens were

Depression and myocardial infarction: implications for medical prognosis and options for treatment.

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Mental depression and myocardial infarction (MI) are closely related. The current paper reviews pathophysiological mechanisms that could link depression to MI and discusses the pros and cons of different pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment modalities that could be considered. The

Evaluation of the antidepressant activity of Moringa oleifera alone and in combination with fluoxetine.

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BACKGROUND The prevalence of mental depression has increased in recent years, and has become a serious health problem in most countries of the world, including India. Due to the high cost of antidepressant synthetic drugs and their accompanying side effects, the discovery of safer antidepressant

Involvement of sigma-1 receptor modulation in the antidepressant action of venlafaxine.

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Multiple lines of investigation have explored the role of sigma receptors in mental depression. Sigma receptors particularly, sigma-1 subtype is known to modulate the release of various catecholamines in the brain and may play, in some way, a role in the mechanism of action of various

Effect of antidepressants on various periodontal parameters: A case-control study.

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Various medications are used in the treatment of chronic systemic diseases that affect the periodontium. Antidepressants in mentally depressed patients are prescribed for a long term, but their effect on the periodontium has not been studied adequately. A case-control study was

Effect of antidepressants on various periodontal parameters: A case-control study.

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Various medications are used in the treatment of chronic systemic diseases that affect the periodontium. Antidepressants in mentally depressed patients are prescribed for a long term, but their effect on the periodontium has not been studied adequately. A case-control study was
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