Haitian Creole

mongolian spot/erythema

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Dermatoses in the first 72 h of life: a clinical and statistical survey.

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BACKGROUND The neonatal period is generally regarded as the first 28 days of extrauterine life. Skin disorders are commonly seen in the neonatal period, most of which are transient and limited to the first days or weeks of life. In spite of being so frequent, these transient conditions usually

Cutaneous lesions in new born.

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Five hundred unselected newborn babies delivered in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Unit II of SGBT Hospital attached to Government Medical College, Amritsar during April 2000 to October 2000 were examined for cutaneous lesions daily for the first five days after birth. Different

Oral healthcare management of a child with phakomatosis pigmentovascularis associated with bilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome.

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The aim of this report was to describe an approach for a child with phakomatosis pigmentovascularis Type IIb associated with bilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome and autistic spectrum disorder. A 6-year-old boy was referred to the Special Care Dental Clinic with the main complaints of "damaged teeth

Neonatal skin disorders.

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Skin disorders are commonly seen in the neonatal period. A recent survey of neonates demonstrated that almost every neonate had some skin lesion. The most common skin findings are desquamation, Epstein's pearls, sebaceous hyperplasia, milia, toxic erythema, salmon patch, hypertrichosis, and

A prevalence survey of dermatoses in the Australian neonate.

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A group of 420 neonates underwent total cutaneous and oral mucosal examinations during the first week of life. Skin lesions were seen in almost every baby (99.3%). The eight most common dermatoses were desquamation (65.0%), Epstein's pearls (56.0%), sebaceous hyperplasia (48.0%), milia (36%), toxic

Picosecond pulse duration laser treatment for dermal melanocytosis in Asians : A retrospective review.

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Background and aims: Recently novel picosecond duration lasers (ps-lasers) have been developed for the treatment of multicolored and recalcitrant tattoos, and safety and efficacy have been reported. We therefore hypothesized that the ps-laser could be an alternative treatment for dermal pigmented

Normal variants of skin in neonates.

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2221 consecutive live births taking place between March 1994 and February 1995 were evaluated for a minimum period of 5 days to note for the occurrence of various normal anatomical variants specially those of skin. Birth weight, gestational age, maternal age, socio-economic status and consanguinity

[Cutaneous lesions during the 1st week of life in 306 consecutive newborn infants].

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The authors report the results of a systematic study of the skin conducted during three months in 306 neonates born in a hospital maternity unit in the Hauts-de-Seine departement, France. Two hundred and ninety-nine infants could be examined: 91 (30.5 p. 100) developed erythema toxicum neonatorum;

Prevalence of cutaneous findings in hospitalized neonates: a prospective observational study.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of physiologic and pathologic skin findings in the newborns hospitalized in our Newborn Unit. METHODS All of newborn infants hospitalized in the Newborn Unit of Erciyes University Medical School Hospital in Central Anatolia, Turkey from February 1 to November 30,

Statistical survey of skin changes in Japanese neonates.

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We observed 5387 infants over 10 years in weekly visits to a neonatal ward and obtained the following frequency data on these skin changes: erythema toxicum neonatorum, 40.8%; perianal dermatitis, 18.9%; scrotal pigmentation, 15.2%; miliaria, 8.5%; and adnexal polyp of neonatal skin, 4.1%. The
Cutaneous lesions are common in the neonatal period and mostly physiological, transient, and self-limited; uncommonly, they are pathological and require treatment and cooperation between neonatologists and dermatologists. Particular conditions, like prematurity, can influence the onset, type, and

[Birth marks and neonatal skin disorders. From angel kiss to epidermolysis bullosa].

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BACKGROUND At present there are no exact epidemiologic data on the prevalence of neonatal skin disorders and birth marks in Hungary. OBJECTIVE The aim of the authors was to investigate the prevalence of skin disorders in mature healthy neonates after birth. METHODS The survey was carried out in the

A clinical and statistical survey of cutaneous changes in the first 120 hours of life.

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BACKGROUND The spectrum of dermatological manifestations during neonatal period varies from transient self-limiting conditions to serious dermatoses; the latter, fortunately few, are disproportionately stressful to the parents, who due to lack of specialized pediatric dermatology clinics frequently

Survey of cutaneous lesions in Indian newborns.

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A total of 900 consecutive newborns delivered at the Nehru Hospital, Chandigarh, India, over a period of 7 months were examined for presence of skin lesions within 48 hours of birth. Commonly observed skin lesions were Epstein pearls (88.7%), mongolian spots (62.2%), milia (34.9%), sebaceous

Birthmarks and congenital skin lesions in Chinese newborns.

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The presence of various types of birthmarks was determined in 3,345 Chinese infants under 48 hours of age. Mongolian spots were present in 86.3% of the studied infants. Vascular lesions included salmon patch (22.6%), port-wine stain (0.4%), and strawberry marks (0.7%). Nevocellular nevi (1%),
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