Haitian Creole

ochratoxin a/lifrarbólga

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Ochratoxin A induces liver inflammation: involvement of intestinal microbiota.

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Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a widespread mycotoxin and induces liver inflammation to human and various species of animals. The intestinal microbiota has critical importance in liver inflammation; however, it remains to know whether intestinal microbiota mediates the liver inflammation
Day-old broiler chicks found negative for maternal antibodies against inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) virus by agar gel precipitation test and viral antigen in cloacal swabs by dot enzyme immunoassay were divided into 6 groups of 20 chicks each. Group A was fed aflatoxin B1 at 1.25 ppm from 3 to 38
The effect of feeding mycotoxins, i.e. aflatoxin B1 (1.25 ppm from 3 to 38 days of age) and ochratoxin A (0.5 ppm from 3 to 38 days of age) along with inclusion body hepatitis virus (IBHV) inoculation (at 10 days of age) singly and in combination was studied in broiler chicks. Birds in combined

Aggravation of pathogenesis mediated by ochratoxin A in mice infected with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.

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Mice fed 1.5 mg ochratoxin A (OTA) per kg body weight and infected with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense were compared with trypanosome-infected placebo-fed and uninfected OTA-fed controls. Uninfected OTA-fed mice showed fever, lethargy, facial and eyelid oedemas, mild hepatitis and nephritis, and
Research was carried out on the distribution of moulds on cereals in vegetation and in storerooms in the period from 1974 to 1981 and on ochratoxin (OA) in stored maize and wheat as well as residues of OA in the organs of swine in the nephropathic and non-nephropathic areas in the SR of Croatia,
Day-old broiler chicks, which had been shown to be negative for maternal antibodies against inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) virus and for viral antigen in cloacal swabs, were divided into four groups of 20 chicks each. One group was fed ochratoxin-A at 0.5 ppm from 3 to 38 days of age, another group
The health burden of foodborne mycotoxins is considerable, but particularly for children due to their lower detoxification capacity, rapid growth and high intake of food in proportion to their weight. Through a Total Dietary Study approach, the objective was to estimate the dietary exposure and

Mycotoxins and human health.

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Mycotoxins have been investigated in relation to a wide range of adverse human health effects, but the evidence for all but a small number of associations is limited. Thus, the full impact on human health of the widespread exposure to mycotoxins remains to be defined. The main exception is for

A Concise History of Mycotoxin Research.

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Toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins entered human food supplies about the time when mankind first began to cultivate crops and to store them from one season to the next, perhaps 10,000 years ago. The storage of cereals probably initiated the transition by mankind from hunter-gatherer to cultivator, at
"Gofio" is a type of flour made from toasted grain, which is part of the staple food in the Canary Islands, Spain, in which the occurrence of Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, AFG2), Fumonisins B1 and B2 (FB1 and FB2) Ochratoxin A (OTA), Deoxynivalenol (DNV) and Zearalenone (ZEA) was

A portable and universal upconversion nanoparticle-based lateral flow assay platform for point-of-care testing.

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Upconversion nanoparticle-based lateral flow assays (UCNP-LFAs) have attracted significant attention in point-of-care testing (POCT) applications, due to the long-term photostability and enhanced signal-to-background noise ratio. The existing UCNP-LFAs generally require peripheral equipment for

Human dietary exposure to chemicals in sub-Saharan Africa: safety assessment through a total diet study

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Background: Human dietary exposure to chemicals can result in a wide range of adverse health effects. Some substances might cause non-communicable diseases, including cancer and coronary heart diseases, and could be nephrotoxic. Food is

Antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties of wines and winery byproducts in relation to their flavonoid content.

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Grapes produce organic compounds that may be involved in the defense of the plants against invading phytopathogens. These metabolites include numerous phenolic compounds that are also active against human pathogens. Grapes are used to produce a variety of wines, grape juices, and raisins. Grape

Toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins.

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Growth of commonly occurring filamentous fungi in foods may result in production of toxins known as mycotoxins, which can cause a variety of ill effects in humans, from allergic responses to immunosuppression and cancer. The most important mycotoxins are aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins,

Mycotoxins are conventional and novel risk biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma.

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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignant disease with poor prognosis. To improve the clinical outcome, early diagnosis of HCC arising from nonviral agents and hepatitis virus is important. Among several etiological factors, mycotoxins defined as carcinogens by the International Agency
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