Haitian Creole

otitis media/offita

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Medical home, obesity, acute otitis media, and otitis media with effusion.

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Four areas of pediatric office practice are reviewed: the medical home concept, obesity, acute otitis media, and otitis media with effusion. The concept of the medical home in the care of children with special health care needs, its effect on health care outcomes, and its application to office

Obesity and the risk of chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and acute otitis media in school-age children.

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OBJECTIVE To determine if obesity is a significant risk factor for acute otitis media (AOM), allergic rhinitis (AR), or chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in children and to understand the potential otolaryngological implications of childhood obesity. METHODS Cross-Sectional Analysis. METHODS The 2006 and

Relationship between chronic otitis media with effusion and overweight or obesity in children.

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OBJECTIVE Otitis media with effusion and obesity are both common in childhood and might share some immunological alterations. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between chronic otitis media with effusion and childhood overweight or obesity, including the potential effects of adenoid or

The association between childhood overweight and obesity and otitis media.

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OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to examine the association between otitis media and childhood obesity in a population-based sample of elementary school children in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. METHODS The study design is a prospective cohort study, linking data from a

Relationship between pediatric obesity and otitis media with effusion.

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Although eustachian tube dysfunction and bacterial infection have been shown to cause otitis media with effusion (OME), other etiologies are possible. One of the most common medical conditions in children is obesity, which can have effects throughout the body. Little is known, however, about the

Decreased pattern-recognition receptor-mediated cytokine mRNA expression in obese children with otitis media with effusion.

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OBJECTIVE To assess innate and humoral immune responses in middle ear effusion of obese pediatric patients with otitis media with effusion (OME). METHODS We evaluated 219 children with OME, of whom 21 were obese and 198 were non-obese. We compared the expression in middle ear effusion of mRNAs

Changes in taste function related to obesity and chronic otitis media with effusion.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate changes in taste threshold in patients with chronic otitis media with effusion (COME) and their relationship with body mass index. A relationship has been suggested between pediatric obesity and COME, and we hypothesized that changes in taste function may occur in children with

Otitis media and associations with overweight status in toddlers.

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BACKGROUND Otitis media (OM) is a significant disease that affects nearly all children early in life. Recently, childhood overweight has become an epidemic. Past research has demonstrated that a history of OM is related to food preferences and overweight through proposed physiological mechanisms.

Impact of pediatric obesity on the prevalence and outcome of otitis media with effusion.

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Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) is the most common cause of hearing impairment in the pediatric population. Pediatric obesity is another major health issue with numerous reported health consequences, however, published studies about its role in OME are limited. This study aims to

Role of obesity in otitis media in children.

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The ongoing childhood obesity epidemic has garnered significant attention among healthcare providers due to its short- and long-term sequelae. Multiple diseases have been associated with obesity, not limited to hypertension, diabetes, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Over the past

The relationship between overweight and otitis media with effusion in children.

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OBJECTIVE To assess the relationship between pediatric otitis media with effusion (OME) and body mass index (BMI). METHODS We assessed 140 children aged 2-7 years who underwent unilateral or bilateral ventilation tube insertion for treatment of OME (experimental group) and 190 children with no

Relationship between pediatric obesity and otitis media with effusion.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between pediatric otitis media with effusion and obesity, as determined by body mass index (BMI) (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) and serum triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) concentrations. METHODS A

Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid effusion of the temporal bone: repair, audiological outcomes, and obesity.

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OBJECTIVE Spontaneous occurrence of otogenic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) effusion is now far more prevalent than causes related to infections, prior surgeries, or trauma-trends that may be increasing because of higher rates of obesity and improved diagnostic awareness. In our patient cohort with

Are Children Scheduled for Ventilation Tubes Insertion Overweight? A Cohort of Israeli Children.

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To study the hypothesis that children scheduled for ventilation tube insertion (VTI), a surrogate procedure reflecting otitis media (OM) presence, are overweight or obese.

Charts of Israeli children aged 0 to 9 years undergoing VTI

Health care utilization from prevalent medical conditions in normal-weight, overweight, and obese children.

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OBJECTIVE To explore the commonly recorded diagnoses in overweight and obese children presenting to a clinical care setting compared with their normal-weight peers. METHODS This was a cross-sectional study linking data from 3361 fifth grade students from the 2003 Children's Lifestyle and School
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