Haitian Creole

parthenium argentatum/hypersensitivity

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[Parthenium hysterophorus allergy. A weed problem in India (author's transl)].

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Parthenium allergy is caused by direct and indirect contact with Parthenium hysterophorus L. of the Compositae family, accidentally introduced into India from the USA 20 years ago. Its distribution was supported by the optimal environmental conditions of this country. It causes severe contact

Allergic Contact Dermatitis Due To Parthenium Hysterophorus.

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Fifty cases of allergic contact dermatitis from Parthenium hysterophorus have been studied in detail. Clinico-epidemiological features have been described. Patients present with any of the four observed patterns of dermatitis viz. atopic, photosensitivity, seborrhoeic and miscellaneous. Patients
BACKGROUND The titer of contact hypersensitivity (TCH) has been used to determine the degree of contact hypersensitivity in patients with contact dermatitis. The values have been found to vary in different individuals and also in the same individual at different times apparently due to the varying
BACKGROUND Anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab-2), which are the mirror images of idiotypic antibodies (Ab-1), may be useful as diagnostic reagents and for use as immunogen to induce antigen-specific immune responses. RESULTS To explore the biologic potential of Ab-2 as diagnostic reagents in allergic

Seasonal Variation in Contact Hypersensitivity to Parthenium in Patients of Parthenium Dermatitis.

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BACKGROUND Titer of contact hypersensitivity (TCH) is a measure of contact hypersensitivity to an allergen in an individual. Clinical severity of Parthenium dermatitis varies with season. However, the effect of seasonal variation on the TCH as determined by patch test to Parthenium has not been
BACKGROUND Natural rubber latex sensitization is caused by proteins from the latex of Hevea brasiliensis, the Brazilian rubber tree. Alternative non-cross-reactive latex rubber sources are needed for the manufacture of nonallergenic medical devices (e.g., catheters) that require elasticity, which is

Immediate hypersensitivity to Parthenium hysterophorus. II. Clinical studies on the prevalence of Parthenium rhinitis.

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The airborne pollen of the South American weed, Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew), accidentally introduced into India was found to be responsible for severe allergic rhinitis. A random clinical survey conducted on 2035 residents of Bangalore city with the aid of questionnaires and skin

Allergies in India: an analysis of 3389 patients attending an allergy clinic in Mumbai, India.

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A total of 3389 consecutive patients attending the allergy clinic over a period of 5 years (2003-2007) were analysed by the same physician. Males outnumbered females ie, 53.05% versus 46.95%.; 89.17% of the patients were adults and 10.83% were children. More than 80% of the patients were young,

Skin prick testing and immunotherapy in nasobronchial allergy: our experience.

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In the present study of 331 patients suffering from signs/symptoms of nasal allergy, 9 nasal polyps, allergic conjunctivitis and allergic asthma, who were referred by clinician, were taken up for diagnosis of allergy with skin prick test (Ten et al. Mayo Clin Proc 70(8):783-784, 1995) and subjective

Type I hypersensitivity to Parthenium hysterophorus in patients with parthenium dermatitis.

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BACKGROUND Parthenium dermatitis is a major problem in urban and rural India. Patients with severe allergic rhinitis due to exposure to pollens of parthenium are reported to have parthenium specific IgE and IgG antibodies. Parthenium induces contact dermatitis by Type IV hypersensitivity and

The current status of the weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. as a cause of allergic contact dermatitis.

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The dissemination of allergenic plants as horticultural introductions, or in the case of the weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. apparently by chance, can have undesirable results. This species of the Compositae family, native to the Caribbean region, has spread widely in India, causing allergic

"Parthenium dermatitis: an unsuspected allergy".

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Congress grass (Parthenium hysterophorus) is a common weed growing wild in the urban and semiurban environs of North India. Cases of eczematous dermatitis caused by it generally escape clinical detection and are consequently wrongly diagnosed. An interesting case of Parthenium dermatitis treated

[Occupational contact allergy to feverfew Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip.; Asteraceae].

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis due to Feverfew Tanacetum parathenium, Asteraceae. After breeding and selling a new ornamental form of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schulz-Bip. = Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.), sold the flower markets under the misleading name, "chamomile", a 40 year old
A case of specific, delayed hypersensitivity induced by repeated contact with a wild form of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is reported. In the flowers investigated the content of the responsible contact allergen parthenolide--a potent sesquiterpene lactone--appeared to be 10 times greater

Immediate hypersensitivity to Parthenium hysterophorus. I. Association of HLA antigens and Parthenium rhinitis.

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Lymphocytes collected from rhinitis subjects with strong positive skin reactions to the pollen allergens of Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew) having moderate to high titres of Parthenium-specific serum IgE were analysed for association of HLA-antigens covering 13 specificities of HLA-A,
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