Haitian Creole

pericardial effusion/offita

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Coronavirus HKU 1 infection with bronchiolitis, pericardial effusion and acute respiratory failure in obese adult female.

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Seven species of coronavirus cause of acute respiratory illness in humans. Coronavirus HKU 1 (CoV-HKU 1) was first described in 2005 in an adult patient with pneumonia in Hong Kong. Although it is a well-known respiratory tract pathogen, there is not much information about its role in hospitalized

Combined posteroanterior subepicardial fat simulating the echocardiographic diagnosis of pericardial effusion.

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The location and relative size of echo-free spaces observed by cardiac ultrasound have been considered reliable signs for distinguishing pericardial fat from fluid; spaces that are exclusively anterior have been considered to represent fat, while spaces that are exclusively or predominantly
Pericardial effusion in chronic hypoxemic lung diseases, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome, usually occurs after the development of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension. However, data about the frequency of pericardial effusions in Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome without pulmonary arterial

[Prader-Willi syndrome associated with obesity hypoventilation syndrome].

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Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder, characterized by shorter height, severe obesity and muscular hypotonicity. In particular, sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a well-known complication in PWS. We encountered one case of PWS, complicated by typical obesity hypoventilation syndrome.

Massive pericardial effusion and short stature caused by autoimmune hypothyroidism in a 9-year-old girl.

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A 9-year-, 11-month-old girl was brought to the Emergency Department for sudden dyspnea caused by massive pericardial effusion. In addition to relative bradycardia despite impending cardiac tamponade, short stature, overweight, and hypercholesterolemia were clues for suspected hypothyroidism. During

Pericardial fat mimicking pericardial effusion on two-dimensional echocardiography.

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A 78-year-old overweight woman with diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, and Sheehan's syndrome on chronic steroid therapy presented with mild short-lived hematemesis, significant hypotension disproportionate to the degree of bleeding and radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly. Endoscopy showed

Detection of pericardial effusion by chest roentgenography and electrocardiography versus echocardiography.

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To determine the sensitivity and specificity of chest roentgenography and electrocardiography in the detection of pericardial effusion, echocardiography was used as the diagnostic standard. Chest roentgenograms and electrocardiograms of 124 patients, 57 of whom had pericardial effusion, were read

[Massive pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade as the presentation form of hypothyroidism].

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We report a 43 years old female, admitted due to fatigability, asthenia and diffuse abdominal pain. On admission, obesity, slowness of thinking, bradycardia, distention of jugular veins and ascites were observed on physical examination. Laboratory showed undetectable thyroid hormone levels, a chest

[A case of mild obesity accompanied by epicardial fat deposition].

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A 61-year-old woman with low grade obesity index complained of general fatigue. Cardiomegaly had been present since the age of 45. According to a roentgenogram on admission, her cardia-thoracic ratio was 61%. Pericardial effusion was strongly suspected because of extra echo spaces on both posterior

Extreme Obesity is Associated with Low Success Rate of Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation

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Background: Catheter ablation (CA) is an established treatment for patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation (AF). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of single CA in AF patients with extreme obesity

Obesity predisposes to the risk of higher mortality in young COVID-19 patients

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Although emerging data demonstrated mortality of young COVID-19 patients, no data have reported the risk factors of mortality for these young patients, and whether obesity is a risk for young COVID-19 patients remains unknown. We conducted a retrospective study including 13 young patients who died

Pericardial effusion presenting with anuric acute renal failure and hepatocellular damage.

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A 50-year-old male with anuria, creatinine of 5.5 and potassium of 6.5 was referred to our hospital for hemodialysis. Before hemodialysis could be initiated, his blood pressure dropped and liver function tests were found to be increasing rapidly. This prompted us to look for cardiac causes of liver

Obesity-associated cardiac pathogenesis in broiler breeder hens: Pathological adaption of cardiac hypertrophy.

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Broiler hens consuming feed to appetite (ad libitum; AL) show increased mortality. Feed restriction (R) typically improves reproductive performance and livability of hens. Rapidly growing broilers can exhibit increased mortality due to cardiac insufficiency but it is unknown whether the increased

A case with atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis-related hypothyroidism causing multisystem involvement in early childhood.

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The most common reason of acquired hypothyroidism is autoimmune (Hashimoto) thyroiditis. Autoimmune thyroiditis can be atrophic or goitrogenic. Atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis (ATT) related acquired hypothyroidism causes interruption of growth, obesity, and bone age retardation in early ages while

Thoracic Complications of Bariatric Surgeries: Overlooked Entities.

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Bariatric surgeries are increasingly performed to treat obesity worldwide. The currently available literature on these surgeries mainly focuses on their abdominal complications, giving less attention to their thoracic ones. Hence, the present work aimed to highlight the thoracic
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