Haitian Creole

pericardial effusion/triglyceride

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[Chylopericardium following pulmonary tuberculosis].

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METHODS A 22-year old man was admitted with a large pericardial effusion after he had been successfully treated for tuberculosis of the right lung for 6 months. Treatment had been discontinued according to plan 4 months before the current admission. The patient was only mildly symptomatic with
BACKGROUND Infantile-onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCMP) should be considered a largely genetic condition, although its onset is most often triggered by infection. Very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive inborn error of mitochondrial fatty acid

[Minimally invasive treatment for traumatic chylopericardium. Paediatric case report].

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BACKGROUND Chylopericardium is a rare occurrence in children. The most common causes are associated with cardiac surgery, malformations of the lymphatic system, idiopathic reasons, among others. OBJECTIVE The case is presented of a patient with traumatic chylopericardium, the diagnostic methodology,
Primary chylous pericardial effusion is a rare entity with few cases reported so far. We report a case of idiopathic etiology in a previously healthy 16-year-old boy. The patient presented with intermittent chest pain and dizziness caused by a chronic pericardial effusion. An echocardiogram

Lymphoscintigraphy In a Case of Recurrent Chylopericardium

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Chylopericardium is an uncommon and benign condition in which triglyceride-containing chylous fluid collects in the pericardial cavity at high concentrations. Usually, chylopericardium occurs due to congenital malformation of lymphatic vessels or secondary to any trauma, surgeries, neoplasms, etc.

Primary chylopericardium: report of a case.

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A 14-year-old girl was admitted due to exertional dyspnea of one month's duration. A grade 3/6 holosystolic murmur with distant heart sounds was heard at the left sternal border. Chest roentgenograms and echocardiograms showed a large amount of pericardial and left pleural effusion and a small

Pedal Tc-99m phytate lymphoscintigraphy in primary chylopericardium.

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This paper describes a case of 65-year-old woman with primary chylopericardium. She received Tc-99m phytate lymphoscintigraphy after pericardial drainage and was managed with medium-chain triglycerides without surgical intervention. This was the first reported case of primary chylopericardium

Chylopericardium as a complication of mitral valve replacement.

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A patient developed chylopericardium after mitral valve replacement. Although there was early relapse with cardiac tamponade it eventually resolved with conservative management consisting of tube drainage initially and a medium chain triglyceride diet for two months.

Chylopericardium: a rare complication of a Waterston shunt.

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A case of chylopericardium occurring after a Waterston shunt was successfully managed by pericardial drainage of chyle and substitution of dietary fats with medium chain triglycerides.

A case of the yellow nail syndrome associated with massive chylous ascites, pleural and pericardial effusions.

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A 26-year-old male patient with a history of chronic peripheral lymphedema, yellowish coloured slow growing nails and pleural effusions since early childhood is described. After 23 years he developed a chylous ascites and scintigraphy with technetium-99m labeled albumin clearly demonstrated a

Chylopericardium: a rare cause of pericardial effusion.

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A 21 year old man presented with asymptomatic, isolated chylopericardium. Despite echocardiography, radionuclide-angiography, computer tomography, and chemical analysis of the chylous effusion, the etiology remained obscure. After patent blue dye infusion into peripheral soft tissues, the appearance

[Generalized lymphangiomatosis with chylopericardium].

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A case of a child with lymphangiomatosis and chylopericardium is reported. Diagnosis of chylopericardium was performed at 11 months with ascendant lymphography which evidenced thoracic duct agenesia. At the age of 3 years he underwent operation of pleuro pericardial window. He was also treated with

Postpericardiotomy syndrome and chylopericardium: two unusual complications after aortopexy for tracheomalacia.

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In two boys (aged 10 years and 7 months), large symptomatic pericardial effusions developed after aortopexy for tracheomalacia. Both patients underwent percutaneous pericardial drainage. The delayed presentation (3 weeks postoperatively) and associated findings in the 10 year old were typical of

Chylopericardium after orthotopic heart transplantation.

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Chylopericardium is an infrequent cause of pericardial effusions after heart surgery and to our knowledge has not been reported after orthotopic transplantation. We report the occurrence of chylopericardium in a heart transplant recipient who was successfully treated with a pericardial window,

Primary chylopericardium recovered without surgical treatment.--Report of a case and review of the literature.

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A case of 7-year-old girl who had recurrent chylopericardium is presented. She was asymptomatic and physical examination disclosed only enlarged cardiac dullness on percussion and distant cardiac sound on auscultation. In despite of numerous pericardiocentesis, institution of medium-chain
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