Haitian Creole

pericardial effusion/uppköst

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Prevalence of vomiting in dogs with pericardial effusion.

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BACKGROUND Pericardial effusion (PE) is common in dogs. Clinical signs may be vague until cardiac tamponade and associated cardiovascular decompensation develops. Vomiting has previously been identified in some dogs, but the actual prevalence of vomiting in dogs with PE is unknown. The purpose of

Intractable vomiting as the initial presentation of pericardial effusion.

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Atypical presentation of Boerhaave's syndrome as Enterococcal bacterial pericardial effusion.

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Boerhaave's perforation is a serious condition describing spontaneous transmural perforation of the oesophagus. The classical presentation of this condition is vomiting, lower thoracic pain and subcutaneous emphysema. However, the condition often presents atypically and it is important to reach the

Predictors and Outcome of Pericardial Effusion After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children.

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Pericardial Effusion (PE) is a potentially life-threatening complication of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT). Our study aim was to identify incidence, risk factors, response to treatment, and outcome of PE after pediatric HCT. All patients after HCT at our tertiary center between 2005 and

Cellular fraction analysis of pericardial effusion helps the diagnosis of eosinophilic myocarditis.

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Eosinophilic myocarditis is rare in children, and consequently, it is difficult to diagnose eosinophilic myocarditis rapidly. We report the clinical course of acute eosinophilic myocarditis with pericarditis in two adolescent boys and their associated electrocardiograms. The two patients, 13- and

Upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms are predictors of postoperative large pericardial effusion in cardiac surgery.

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In this prospective observational study we evaluated the clinical symptoms in patients who presented with early or late significant pericardial effusion after cardiac surgery and underwent its open drainage in our institution. It was a series of 35 patients where the clinical symptoms and lab

Hypoperfusion With Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, or Dizziness and Convulsions: An Alert to Fulminant Myocarditis in Children

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Objective: To investigate the clinical features, treatment methods, and outcomes of fulminant myocarditis (FM) in children. Methods: The clinical data of 23 children with FM hospitalized in the First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of

[Pericarditis and pericardial effusion as the first presentation of systemic lupus erythematosus. Case report].

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Acute pericarditis is rare in children; it can evolve to effusion or even cardiac tamponade. The main infectious agents are viruses and bacteria. The pharmacological treatment includes NSAIDs; just a few patients need pericardiocentesis.A school-age patient

Infectious pericardial effusion in five dogs.

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The medical records of five dogs diagnosed with infectious pericardial effusion were reviewed. Clinical signs included anorexia, depression, respiratory distress, abdominal distension, collapse, coughing, and vomiting. Anemia and leukocytosis were present in three dogs. Grass awn migration was
Appearance of endometrial carcinoma in pericardial effusion is extremely rare. Its major etiological factors include lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia. We herein report a case of a large malignant pericardial effusion 7 years after surgery for endometrial carcinoma. A 66-year-old

Pericardial Effusion as a Presenting Symptom of Hashimoto Thyroiditis: A Case Report.

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Background: Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is the most frequent cause of acquired hypothyroidism in paediatrics. HT is usually diagnosed in older children and adolescents, mainly in females and is rare in infants and toddlers with cardiac involvement, including pericardial effusion, that can be found in
OBJECTIVE Vascular anomalies, including hemangiomas and vascular malformations afford complex diagnostic and therapeutic challenges when gastrointestinal (GI) manifestations are present. METHODS Twenty-one patients evaluated or treated in our Vascular Anomalies Program from 1993 through 1997 were

[Upper abdominal pain after an elective aortic valve replacement].

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A 69-year-old man came to our emergency department with nausea, vomiting and upper abdominal pain under the suspicion of an ileus. Four weeks before he had had an elective aortic valve replacement. The basal thoracic slides of the abdominal CT-scan revealed a significant amount of pericardial

A Case of Haemorrhagic Constrictive Pericarditis with Bilateral Pleural Effusions.

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Presentation of pericardial disease is diverse, with the viral aetiology being the most common cause; however, when haemorrhagic pericardial effusion is present, these causes are narrowed to few aetiologies. We present a case of a young female of African descent who presented with diffuse abdominal
Suspected tetrodotoxin (TTX) poisoning was associated with eating unknown fish in April 2009 in Taiwan. After ingestion of the fish, symptoms of the victim included perioral paresthesia, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, weakness of all limbs, respiration failure, and death within several hours. The
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