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Guide RNA Design for CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Potato Genome Editing.

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The activity of the pool of sgRNA molecules designed for different regions of potato coilin and phytoene desaturase genes was compared in vitro. Due to the presence of nucleotides unpaired with DNA, sgRNA is able not only to inhibit but also to stimulate the activity of the Cas9-sgRNA complex in
Potato tubers were engineered to express a bacterial gene encoding 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS) in order to investigate the effects of perturbation of isoprenoid biosynthesis. Twenty-four independent transgenic lines out of 38 generated produced tubers with significantly elongated
BACKGROUND In addition to their high carbohydrate content, potatoes are also an important dietary source of vitamin C and bioactive secondary metabolites, including phenolic compounds and carotenoids, which have been suggested to play a role in human health. The expression of genes encoding key
BACKGROUND Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an optimal tool for functional analysis of genes in plants, as the viral vector spreads throughout the plant and causes reduced expression of selected gene over the whole plant. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is one of the most important food crops,

The sub-cellular localisation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes, CrtRb2 and PSY2.

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Carotenoids are isoprenoids with important biological roles both for plants and animals. The yellow flesh colour of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers is a quality trait dependent on the types and levels of carotenoids that accumulate. The carotenoid biosynthetic pathway is well characterised,

A Neighboring Aromatic-Aromatic Amino Acid Combination Governs Activity Divergence between Tomato Phytoene Synthases.

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Carotenoids exert multifaceted roles to plants and are critically important to humans. Phytoene synthase (PSY) is a major rate-limiting enzyme in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. PSY in plants is normally found as a small enzyme family with up to three members. However, knowledge of PSY isoforms

First generation genome editing in potato using hairy root transformation.

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Genome editing and cis-gene breeding have rapidly accelerated crop improvement efforts but their impacts are limited by the number of species capable of being genetically transformed. Many dicot species, including some vital potato relatives being used to accelerate breeding and genetics efforts,

Metabolic engineering of potato carotenoid content through tuber-specific overexpression of a bacterial mini-pathway.

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BACKGROUND Since the creation of "Golden Rice", biofortification of plant-derived foods is a promising strategy for the alleviation of nutritional deficiencies. Potato is the most important staple food for mankind after the cereals rice, wheat and maize, and is extremely poor in provitamin A
Chloroplasts play a central role in pathogen defense in plants. However, most studies explaining the relationship between pathogens and chloroplasts have focused on pathogens that infect mesophyll cells. In contrast, the family Luteoviridae includes RNA viruses that replicate and traffic exclusively

Potato virus X-induced gene silencing in leaves and tubers of potato.

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Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) is increasingly used to generate transient loss-of-function assays and has potential as a powerful reverse-genetics tool in functional genomic programs as a more rapid alternative to stable transformation. A previously described potato virus X (PVX) VIGS vector

Generation of transgene-free PDS mutants in potato by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.

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Gene editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system has become a routinely applied method in several plant species. The most convenient gene delivery system is Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer with antibiotic selection and stable genomic integration of transgenes, including Cas9. For

Genetic engineering of a zeaxanthin-rich potato by antisense inactivation and co-suppression of carotenoid epoxidation.

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Zeaxanthin is an important dietary carotenoid but its abundance in our food is low. In order to provide a better supply of zeaxanthin in a staple crop, two different potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties were genetically modified. By transformation with sense and antisense constructs encoding

Metabolic engineering of high carotenoid potato tubers containing enhanced levels of beta-carotene and lutein.

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In order to enhance the carotenoid content of potato tubers, transgenic potato plants have been produced expressing an Erwinia uredovora crtB gene encoding phytoene synthase, specifically in the tuber of Solanum tuberosum L. cultivar Desiree which normally produces tubers containing c. 5.6 microg
Vitamin A deficiency is a public health problem in a large number of countries. Biofortification of major staple crops (wheat [Triticum aestivum], rice [Oryza sativa], maize [Zea mays], and potato [Solanum tuberosum]) with β-carotene has the potential to alleviate this nutritional problem.

Effect of the cauliflower Or transgene on carotenoid accumulation and chromoplast formation in transgenic potato tubers.

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Transgenic plants have facilitated our understanding of the functional roles of genes and the metabolic processes affected in plants. Recently, the Or gene was isolated from an orange cauliflower mutant and it was shown that the Or gene could serve as a novel genetic tool to enrich carotenoid
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