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The effect of obesity on the results of Karydakis technique for the management of chronic pilonidal sinus.

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OBJECTIVE Body mass index (BMI) was assessed as an objective indicator of obesity to determine whether it has an effect on the results of the Karydakis technique for managing chronic pilonidal sinus. METHODS The prospective study included 41 consecutive patients with chronic pilonidal sinus
Recurrence of pilonidal sinus disease after surgical intervention is not a very rare problem although sophisticated reconstruction procedures have been developed. Recurrence is thought to be related to the anatomical status of the patients, i.e., depth of the intergluteal groove. Obese patients have

Day-case Limberg flap for recurrent pilonidal sinus: does obesity complicate the issue?

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the long-term outcome of rhomboid excision with Limberg flap reconstruction (LF) as one-day surgery in treatment of recurrent pilonidal sinus (RPS). The effect of obesity on outcome will be addressed. Forty-nine patients with RPS were treated by rhomboid

Obesity, Hypertrichosis and Sex Steroids: Are these Factors Related to the Pilonidal Sinus Disease?

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Pilonidal sinus disease causes chronic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, and it commonly localises in the sacrococcygeal region. This study evaluated the effects of hypertrichosis, family history, obesity and sex steroids in 298 patients with pilonidal sinus

Lack of evidence that obesity is a cause of pilonidal sinus disease.

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OBJECTIVE To find out whether pilonidal sinus is more common among obese people. METHODS Retrospective study from hospital records. METHODS Two university hospitals, Turkey. METHODS 419 patients who were operated on for pilonidal sinus disease; and 213 age and sex matched patients with benign

Risk Factors for Pilonidal Sinus Disease in Teenagers.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the risk factors for pilonidal sinus in teenagers. METHODS Between January 2013 and September 2015, 55 teenage patients who underwent surgery due to pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Sakarya University Teaching and Research Hospital were

Squamous cell carcinoma and pilonidal cyst disease.

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OBJECTIVE Squamous cell carcinoma developed on a chronic pilonidal cyst. METHODS Authors describe the case of a squamous cell carcinoma developed on a chronic pilonidal cyst in a 63- years-old patient with a 43 years history of recurrent pilonidal sinus disease. RESULTS The patient underwent

Comparison of two surgical methods, primary closure and rotational flap, in patients with chronic pilonidal sinus.

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BACKGROUND Pilonidal sinus is a common infectious process which occurs in buttocks and sacral area which involves a wide range of symptoms that are different from an asymptomatic sinus abscess to acute and chronic sinus track. Basically non-surgical treatment for this disease is not recommended. In

Pilonidal sinus surgery: could we predict postoperative complications?

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Pilonidal sinus surgery could, as of now, be considered a surgery tailored more to the surgeon than to the patient. In an attempt to give to surgeons an objective instrument of decision, we have evaluated which variables could be considered predictive of postoperative complications after pilonidal

Bilateral inframammary pilonidal sinus: A case report with literature review.

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Pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a chronic inflammatory perianal disorder that rarely occurs outside sacrococcygeal region. The aim of this study is to report an extremely rare case of bilateral inframammary PNS with brief literature review.A 25-year-old female

[Pilonidal sinus: long term results of excision and closure technic. Review of the literature].

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The Authors report their experience in the surgical management of pilonidal sinus with modified Leichtling technique. Long term results of various treatments proposed in the past are analyzed: it is not possible to identify a satisfactory procedure for the treatment of pilonidal sinus. Ideal

Intermammary pilonidal sinus: The first case series.

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BACKGROUND Pilonidal sinus (PNS) is an inflammatory condition caused by hair penetration into the epidermis. It occurs usually in sacro-coccygeal area. Intermammary pilonidal sinus is a very rare variant with a few case reports in literature. The aim of this study is to highlight the presentation

Modified Limberg flap technique in the treatment of pilonidal sinus disease in teenagers.

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BACKGROUND Pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) is most common in young adults but can also affect teenagers. Although many techniques have been used to treat pilonidal sinus disease in adults, few studies have compared treatment methods for the condition in teenagers. In this study, we aimed to compare

Taila Dāha (Cauterization with Oil) an Innovative Approach in Pilonidal Sinus.

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Summary: Pilonidal sinus is a chronic inflammatory track in mid gluteal cleft usually associated with hairs with an incidence rate of twenty six per one lakh population. It is more prevalently seen in the natal cleft of hairy middle aged obese, males. Such type of non-healing tracts may be

Umbilical pilonidal sinus.

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Pilonidal sinuses are commonly encountered, but their occurrence in the umbilical area is rare. The author presents one such case of an umbilical pilonidal sinus in an obese male patient that presented with recurrent episodes of umbilical discharge. The condition was treated with sinus excision and
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