Haitian Creole


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Bloody diarrhea and pneumoperitoneum in a 10-month-old girl.

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Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric benign pneumoperitoneum: A case report series of 9 patients.

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BACKGROUND Benign pneumoperitoneum (BPPT) is defined as asymptomatic free intraabdominal air or as pneumoperitoneum without peritonitis. Symptomatic free air requires surgical anagement, but management of asymptomatic pneumoperitoneum is controversial. In this study, we investigate the diagnosis and

[A case of iatrogenic tension pneumoperitoneum following colonoscopy in a patient with cytomegalovirus colitis].

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Perforation of the colon occurs in 0.2 to 2% of all colonoscopic examinations. The most common sites of perforation are rectosigmoid junction and cecal area. Colonic perforation, leading to tension pneumoperitoneum in most cases, may be caused by direct trauma or pressurized air. It should be

Pneumoperitoneum, pneumatosis intestinalis and portal venous gas: Rare gastrostomy complications case report.

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The gastrostomy is one of the most common procedures performed in general surgery. Although a simple procedure, it is not exempted from potential complications, specifically portal venous gas and intestinal pneumatosis being some of the ones with higher rates of mortality. The

[Pneumoperitoneum with systemic sclerosis].

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We report a case of systemic sclerosis (SSc) complicated with benign pneumoperitoneum without apparent pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI). A 43-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of prominent abdominal distension in April 1997. Raynaud's phenomenon has been detected since
Laparoscopic colorectal surgery may adversely affect respiration, circulation, and acid-base balance in elderly patients, owing to the relatively long duration of CO2 absorption. We conducted this retrospective study to determine the safety and efficacy of warmed, humidified CO2

Pneumoperitoneum secondary to a perforated gastric ulcer in a cat.

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A 7-year-old domestic cat was examined because of a history of weight loss, intermittent diarrhea, and anorexia of 6 months' duration. Results of physical examination were normal except for marked abdominal tension. Results of a CBC and serum biochemistry profile were unremarkable. Severe

Pneumatosis intestinalis with pneumoperitoneum: Not always a surgical emergency

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Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) and pneumoperitoneum are commonly recognized as severe signs of gastrointestinal diseases that require emergency surgery. However, these symptoms can also be caused by benign conditions. We describe 4 cases of benign PI and pneumoperitoneum that were detected in

A Case of Pneumatosis Intestinalis With Pneumoperitoneum as a Potential Delayed Adverse Effect of Capecitabine.

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Ileitis and colitis are known complications of capecitabine when used in patients with gastrointestinal cancers. However, to our knowledge, pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) has not previously been reported with this medication. We present a patient with breast cancer, without any metastases to the

Total laparoscopic hysterectomy after liver transplantation.

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BACKGROUND The number of females who undergo liver transplantation is growing and sometimes gynecologic operations are needed to control gynecologic diseases after liver transplantation. METHODS Total laparoscopic hysterectomy was performed in 2 patients who had undergone liver transplantation, one

Ischemic necrosis of small bowel following laparoscopic surgery.

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OBJECTIVE Small bowel ischemia following laparoscopy was described recently as a rare fatal complication of the CO2 pneumoperitoneum. Of the 8 cases reported in the surgical literature, 7 were fatal, 1 was not. In this report, we describe the first gynecological case. METHODS A 34-year-old woman who

Massive pneumatosis intestinalis: CT diagnosis.

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Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is a rare condition characterized by multiple subserosal or submucosal gas filled cysts within the wall of a segment of bowel. It is associated with numerous conditions, both intra and extraabdominal in nature. The condition may be asymptomatic or may present

Non-traumatic colon perforation in children: a 10-year review.

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Colon perforation is an abdominal surgical emergency in the pediatric population, but is seldom reported when occurring from non-traumatic causes in children beyond the neonate. The goal of this study was to identify the clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of non-traumatic colon

Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma (type II): a Brazilian case report.

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Enteropathy-associated T-cell Lymphoma (EATL) is a rare form of aggressive T-cell lymphoma. It is more prevalent in men over 60 years and the prognosis is very poor. EATL is classified into two groups based on morphology, immunohistochemistry, and genetic profile. EATL type I is highly associated

Necrotizing enterocolitis following operation in the neonatal period.

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Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) usually occurs in low birth weight infants who have had perinatal stress, and the mortality remains significant. There are a few reports of NEC in the postoperative period, especially in young infants. Nine neonates developed NEC following operations and form the
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