Haitian Creole

pseudobulbar palsy/heilablóðfall

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[Fire needling on dysphagia due to pseudobulbar palsy after stroke: a randomized controlled trial].

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To observe the clinical effect of fire needling on dysphagia due to pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke and to compare the difference in clinical effect between fire needling and swallowing function rehabilitation training.A total of 76 patients with

[Regulating the governor Vessel and Conception Vessel for treatment of pseudobulbar palsy after stroke].

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OBJECTIVE To compare the therapeutic effect of method for regulating the Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel as well as routine needling method. METHODS Sixty-four cases of pseudobulbar palsy after stroke were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group, 32 cases in each group.

[Therapeutic effects of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation training on dysphagia in post-stroke pseudobulbar palsy].

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OBJECTIVE To compare the therapeutic effects on dysphagia in post-stroke pseudobulbar palsy between the combined treatment with acupuncture and rehabilitation training and the combined treatment with low-frequency electrical therapy and rehabilitation training and to explore its more effective

Pseudobulbar palsy due to bilateral injuries of corticobulbar tracts in a stroke patient.

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Temporary forced laughter after unilateral strokes.

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Forced laughter generally occurs in bilateral or diffuse lesions of the brain and is generally associated with pathologic crying. We report the cases of 3 patients in whom temporary forced laughter occurred after unilateral supratentorial infarction demonstrated by CT scan or MRI. In all cases, the

Basilar branch disease presenting with progressive pure motor stroke.

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OBJECTIVE Isolated infarcts of the pons cause well definable neurological syndromes with distinct pathomechanism, clinical course and prognosis. RESULTS We report 8 cases suffering from a pure motor hemiparesis that was severely progressive within the 1st 3 days and unresponsive to aspirin. A

Pseudobulbar paralysis in the Renaissance: Cosimo I de' Medici case.

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Cosimo I de' Medici (1519-1574) was the first Grand Duke of Tuscany. He was one of the most important members of the Medici family. He was an excellent conqueror and a good politician. Moreover, he was able to attract and encourage artists, scientists and architects to promote Florence as the
Objective: To investigate the effect of electrical stimulation with bilateral scalp acupuncture on time parameters in video fluoroscopic swallowing study and cortical excitability in patients with dysphagia after cortical stroke, as well

Primary antiphospholipid syndrome presenting as pseudobulbar palsy in a young male.

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Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) is now recognized as an important risk factor for young stroke. Recurrent stroke seems to be common in patients with APS and a first stroke, recurrent stroke and vascular dementia are feared consequences of APS. We are reporting a case of primary APS with
OBJECTIVE To observe the effects of GAO's neck acupuncture combined with swallowing rehabilitation on swallowing function and quality of life in patients with post-stroke pseudobulbar palsy. METHODS One hundred patients were randomly assigned in to an observation group and a control group, 50 cases

[Transitory episode of laughter as the initial symptom of an ischemic stroke].

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BACKGROUND Pathological laughter occurs in pseudobulbar paralysis, in psychiatric disorders and as a sign of convulsions (gelastic crisis). An extremely rare form is the "fou rire prodromique' a pathological episode of laughter preceding a stroke. The pathogenesis is unknown and classically

Acute pseudobulbar palsy as the initial presentation of intravascular lymphomatosis.

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We describe the case of a 76-year-old male patient who developed acute manifestations of pseudobulbar palsy without a history of stroke or vascular risk factors as the first manifestation of intravascular lymphomatosis. Neurological symptoms of acute pseudobulbar palsy appeared on the second

Acute Pseudobulbar Palsy After Bilateral Paramedian Thalamic Infarction: A Case Report.

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Bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction is a rare subtype of stroke caused by occlusion of the artery of Percheron, an uncommon variant originating from one of the posterior cerebral arteries. This type of stroke has several major clinical presentations: altered mental status, behavioral amnestic

Bilateral thalamic infarcts presenting as acute pseudobulbar palsy.

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A 28-year-old, previously healthy, normotensive woman suddenly developed an acute pseudobulbar palsy with dysarthria, dysphagia, hypernasal voice and mild right arm paresis. Extensive laboratory investigations excluded all other possible causes of acute pseudobulbar palsy (neoplastic, inflammatory,

[Post-stroke depression: recognition and treatment interventions].

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Depression is the most common neuropsychiatric complication of a stroke (Post Stroke DepressionPSD) and has been shown to impede the recovery and rehabilitation of these patients. Prevalence rates of PSD vary between 6% and 79%. Direct comparison between studies is limited due to their different
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