Haitian Creole

pseudobulbar palsy/seizures

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[Pseudobulbar palsy symptoms complicated by convulsive seizures].

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Neurological findings and seizure outcome in children with bilateral opercular macrogyric-like changes detected by MRI.

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The authors studied 10 patients aged between six and 23 years (mean age 14 years 5 months) with magnetic resonance imaging, which detected bilateral 'macrogyric-like' maldevelopment of the insulo-opercular regions. The data confirm that biopercular gyral anomaly, associated with mental retardation,

Anterior corpus callosotomy: effects in a patient with congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome and oromotor seizures.

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Anterior corpus callosotomy was performed in a patient with pseudobulbar palsy, mild mental retardation and intractable epilepsy related to congenital bilateral perisylvian cortical dysplasia. Before surgery, she had daily atonic drop attacks, rare and mainly sleep-related oromotor seizures, and

Bilateral perisylvian ulegyria: clinicopathological study of patients presenting with pseudobulbar palsy and epilepsy.

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Structural abnormalities related with pseudobulbar palsy have been gaining attention because of their characteristic symptoms and unique pathogenesis. We present five cases of bilateral perisylvian ulegyria (BPU) presenting epilepsy and pseudobulbar palsy with pathogenesis different from previously
The neuronal migration disorders comprise several morphological entities that are recognizable during life using current imaging techniques. We studied 4 patients who had a characteristic bilateral central rolandic and sylvian macrogyria. The patients had pseudobulbar palsy with oromotor

Acute pseudobulbar palsy due to bilateral focal cortical damage: the opercular syndrome of Foix-Chavany-Marie.

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Two children are described who suddenly developed an encephalitic illness with intractable bilateral facial seizures. The seizures subsided over several days, but the children were left with the signs of pseudobulbar palsy and are unable to speak or swallow effectively. Bilateral destructive lesions

Neurocysticercosis presenting as pseudobulbar palsy.

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Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common helminthic infestation of the central nervous system (CNS) and a leading cause of acquired epilepsy worldwide. The common manifestations of NCC are seizures and headache. The NCC as a cause of pseudobulbar palsy is very unusual and not reported yet in the

Cortical dysplasias and epilepsy: a review of the architectonic, clinical, and seizure patterns.

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Since the nineteenth century, various abnormalities of cortical development resulting from migration defect, disorders of maturation, and disorders of cortical organization were described in brains at autopsy. Cortical dysplasia then was recognized in tissue resected during surgical treatment of
Seizures are an uncommon but serious complication of hyponatremia which can lead to permanent brain damage and even death. It is recommended that patients with hyponatremic-induced seizures be treated with 3% hypertonic saline, however, a rapid rate of correction may result in central pontine

Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome: analysis of the first four reported Korean patients.

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The advent of MRI technique has enabled the diagnosis of neuronal migration disorders(NMD) and made it possible to make "in vivo" diagnosis. Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome(CBPS) is a recently described disease identify characterized by pseudobulbar palsy, epilepsy, mental retardation, and

[Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome: a case report].

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Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (CBPS) is rare in literature, especially in China. In this article, we report the clinical and treatment of a patient with CBPS and discuss its mechanism, clinical features and therapy. This patient was a 28-year-old man. His main clinical features were

Bilateral generalized polymicrogyria (BGP): a distinct syndrome of cortical malformation.

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BACKGROUND Syndromes of bilateral symmetric polymicrogyria include an autosomal recessive form of bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria (BFPP), in which the malformation is most severe rostrally. The authors describe a new syndrome they have termed "bilateral generalized polymicrogyria" (BGP), in

Bilateral perisylvian ulegyria: an under-recognized, surgically remediable epileptic syndrome.

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OBJECTIVE Interest in the association of epilepsy and pseudobulbar palsy was rekindled since the identification through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (PMG). Seizures are often intractable, but resective epilepsy surgery has not been recommended. However, a

New trends in neuronal migration disorders.

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Neuronal migration disorders are an heterogeneous group of disorders of nervous system development and they are considered to be one of the most significant causes of neurological and developmental disabilities and epileptic seizures in childhood. In the last ten years, molecular biologic and

Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome with partial epilepsy. Case report with long-term follow-up.

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Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (CBPS) is a rare neurological disorder characterised by pseudobulbar palsy, cognitive deficits and epilepsy associated with bilateral perisylvian cortical dysplasia on neuroimaging studies. We report a long-term follow-up of a 18-years girl diagnosed with
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