Haitian Creole


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BACKGROUND A case of massive facial edema and airway obstruction secondary to an acute sialadenitis is described that occurred a few hours after a neurosurgical procedure performed in the prone position. Literature on this topic is reviewed. METHODS A 73-year-old Caucasian woman underwent a right

Imaging findings of "anesthesia mumps" (acute postoperative sialadenitis) after general anesthesia.

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We present a rare case of acute postoperative sialadenitis or "anesthesia mumps" necessitating emergent intubation in a 16-year-old girl after biopsy of a brainstem mass under general anesthesia. Postoperative computed tomography of the brain demonstrated extensive right-sided facial swelling,

[Phenylbutazone-induced sialadenitis fever simulating angioedema].

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BACKGROUND Drug-induced sialadenitis is uncommon and unrecognized. Drugs such as nitrofurantoïn, nifedipine and methimazole have been reported to induce sialadenitis. However, phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone are the most frequently implicated agents. We describe a case of phenylbutazone-induced

[Case of sialadenitis by iodinated contrast medium in a dialysis patient].

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UNASSIGNED Sialadenitis by iodinated contrast medium (i.c.m) oriodine mumps (IM) is a rare and late benign manifestation that occurs independently of intravenous or endoarterial administration modality. If renal function is normal, i.c.m. does not reach salivary glands concentrations able to induce
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of endoscopy as a procedure for the diagnosis of submandibular gland duct disorders. Endoscopy of the submandibular glands was performed on 12 patients with symptoms of obstructive sialoadenitis to identify the cause of obstruction. The

Clinical features of IgG4-related rhinosinusitis.

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OBJECTIVE IgG4-related disease is a systemic disease that affects various organs of the body. Aim of this study is to elucidate the clinical characteristics of IgG4-related rhinosinusitis. METHODS Clinical features, laboratory findings, radiological and endoscopic findings, associated disease,

A fatal epizootic of undetermined etiology in new world monkeys.

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A peracute epizootic disease, strikingly characterized by profuse terminal hemorrhaging from the lungs, caused the deaths of 104 squirrel monkeys and 3 capuchin monkeys over a 22-month period. The case fatality rate was 100%. The pulmonary hemorrhaging was often accompanied by pulmonary edema and

Severe interstitial cystitis associated with Sjögren's syndrome.

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A 53-year-old woman presented with oliguria, urinary frequency, abdominal pain and severe edema of the lower extremities. Her serum creatinine was 8.1 mg/dl. Computed tomographic and ultrasonographic studies showed a severely dilated urinary bladder, and bilateral hydroureteronephrosis. Examination

Diversity of clinical symptoms in A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation (MELAS syndrome mutation).

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BACKGROUND MELAS (mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) is one of the most common mitochondrial encephalomyopathies. METHODS We present four children with A3243G MELAS mtDNA mutation and give a summary of clinical MELAS symptoms reported in the literature. Serum lactate

Sclerotic effect of oxytetracycline on the submandibular gland: An experimental model.

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Oxytetracycline has been suggested as an alternate therapy for chronic recurrent sialadenitis and sialorrhea. We conducted an experimental study to investigate the sclerotic effect of this drug on the submandibular gland by histopathologic methods. Our subjects were 20 New Zealand white rabbits,

Bilateral submandibular gland infection presenting as Ludwig's angina: first report of a case.

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We diagnosed and treated a case of Ludwig's angina in a 45-year-old man who had edema of the floor of mouth and the tongue along with bilateral submandibular sialadenitis and sialolithiasis. We secured the patient's airway via nasal fiberoptic intubation in the surgical intensive care unit and

Fluorouracil plus leucovorin induces submandibular salivary gland enlargement in rats.

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The administration of 5-fluorouracil (FU) and leucovorin (LV) to rats induced a previously unreported sialoadenitis-like toxicity. Four different treatment regimens were used: daily-times-5 iv or ip injections of LV (200 mg/kg) followed 30 minutes later by FU (27.5 mg/kg or 35 mg/kg). These

Salivary gland disease in dogs and cats: 245 cases (1985-1988).

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Diagnostic pathology records spanning 41 months (July 1985 through November 1988) were searched for diagnoses of salivary gland disease in dogs and cats. Review of 87,392 records from that period revealed 245 cases (0.3%) in which salivary gland tissue had been evaluated. During that period,

Comparative analysis of complications from I-131 radioablation for well-differentiated thyroid cancer.

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BACKGROUND The decision to extend thyroidectomy to the opposite lobe during resection of well-differentiated thyroid cancer should include an analysis of complications of I-131 radioablation directly related to the thyroid remnant. If significant, then contralateral resection would be indicated. To

An unusual anatomical explanation for contralateral upper extremity weakness after frontal craniotomy.

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Contralateral upper extremity weakness following resection of a frontal tumor is not unusual to neurosurgeons. The differential diagnosis is broad and includes postoperative brachial plexopathy, which is usually secondary to malpositioning. We report the first known case of postoperative brachial
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