Haitian Creole

sickle cell trait/hypoxia

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Maternal sickle cell trait and fetal hypoxia.

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Patients with sickle cell trait (SCT) usually run a benign course. But they may develop vaso-occlusive crisis, which may lead to hypoxia. During these episodes, pregnant women with SCT may effect the developing fetus. This report describes an interesting finding of subtle degree of fetal hypoxia

Non hypoxia-related splenic infarct in a patient with sickle cell trait and infectious mononucleosis.

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Splenic infarction in patients with sickle cell trait is usually related to hypoxic conditions, while non-hypoxia-related infarcts are extremely rare. We report on a case of a 17-year-old male patient, living at sea level, who developed a severe left upper quadrant abdominal pain during the course

ECG in sickle cell trait at rest and during exercise and hypoxia.

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The electrocardiograms of 28 volunteers with sickle cell trait were compared to those of 28 control subjects. Tracings were recorded at rest, at peak exercise, at simulated sea level, and at a simulated altitude of 4,000 m. No differences between the subjects with sickle cell trait and control

Vocational options for those with sickle cell trait: questions about hypoxemia and the industrial environment.

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Many patients have parents and siblings who possess the sickle cell trait and who often require not only genetic counseling, but also information about their own health. Some have been informed that they cannot pursue careers in aviation. Some have been told that they are at special risk for the

Multiple vascular infarction. A manifestation of sickle cell trait in the absence of hypoxia.

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[Cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass in a patient with sickle-cell trait].

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The sickle-cell gene is most concentrated in West Central Africa, the northeast corner of Saudi Arabia and East Central India. Sickle cell trait is the heterozygous condition for Hb S gene. Thirty to fifty per cent of their hemoglobin is Hb S and the remainder is Hb A. The sickle-cell crisis is
The case of a woman with sickle cell trait who sustained a cardiac arrest and died during a Caesarian section under general anaesthesia is reported. Because the common causes of intraoperative hypoxia and shock were ruled out in this case, we believe that death was due to severe concealed

Morphological features of red blood cells in subjects with sickle cell trait: changes during exercise.

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Occasional complications and even death in subjects with sickle cell trait have been attributed to severe physical exertion. However, the extent to which sickling actually occurs during exercise has not been reported. This study examined the red blood cell morphological features immediately
BACKGROUND Sickle-cell trait (HbAS) reduces falciparum malaria risk and suppresses parasitaemia. Although several candidate mechanisms have been proposed, their epidemiological, clinical and experimental correlates have not been adequately explained. To explore the basis for generally lower

Pregnancy loss after first trimester viability in women with sickle cell trait: a preliminary report.

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BACKGROUND Traditionally, sickle cell trait has not been associated with a higher risk of fetal death, but we noted several, which led us to assess all such pregnancies. METHODS In this retrospective study, 131 patients with sickle cell trait were analyzed over a two-year period. The Institutional

Pulmonary function in sickle cell trait.

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Pulmonary function abnormalities, which have been reported to occur in persons with sickle cell trait (hemoglobin AS), could intensify the hypoxic stimulus for the systemic formation of sickle cells at high altitude. We sought to determine whether pulmonary function abnormalities occur as a result

Myocardial revascularization in a sickle-cell trait patient.

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A 56-year-old man with confirmed sickle-cell trait AS underwent successful triple-vessel myocardial revascularization with internal mammary artery and vein conduits. Variations in routine technique included limitation in hypothermia (32 degrees C), avoidance of intraoperative autologous salvage,

Sickle cell trait: what are the costs and benefits of screening?

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BACKGROUND Eight percent of African Americans are carriers of the sickle cell trait. Some regard this as a benign anomaly, but others point to incidents of sudden exercise-related death, calling for a preliminary screening of either all athletes or those of African-American ancestry. This brief

Blood cell exchange in the treatment of exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis in a patient with sickle cell trait.

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We report the use of red blood cell exchange (RBCex) to treat rhabdomyolysis complicated by acute kidney injury in a 16-year-old African-American female with sickle cell trait (SCT). Treatment with aggressive fluid and electrolyte management failed to stem the rise in her creatine kinase, and RBCex
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