Haitian Creole

sleep deprivation/höfuðverkur

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[Headache and chronic sleep deprivation: an often missed relationship in children and also in adults].

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Three children, two girls aged 9 and 13 years and a boy aged 9 years, and a man aged 22, presented with headache of migrainoid character. The complaints resolved after attention had been given to sleeping habits, notably problems with falling asleep. The literature on the relationship between lack

Sleep deprivation headache.

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Headaches due to insufficient or interrupted sleep are generally labelled "tension headaches" of psychogenic origin. In 25 healthy subjects, variable amounts of sleep loss (1-3 h for 1-3 nights) caused headaches lasting from 1 h to all day. The headache was most frequently a dull ache, a heaviness

[Headache and chronic sleep deprivation: an often missed relationship in children and also in adults].

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Activation of EEG recordings by graded sleep deprivation.

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Part I. The EEG recordings of 434 patients were activated by graded sleep deprivation. In clinically manifest epilepsies with a predominantly negative EEG tracing at rest the incidence of epileptic manifestations increased after sleep deprivation from 18.03% to 59.01%, in clinically suspect

Changes of biological rhythms in primary headache syndromes.

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The circadian periodicity of some endocrine (PRL, cortisol, GH) and vegetative (oral temperature, blood pressure) functions has been studied in cluster headache, common migraine, atypical facial pain, and "mixed" headache. Changes in several biological rhythms have been found not only in cluster

Prevalence and impact of headache and migraine among secondary school students in Nigeria.

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BACKGROUND A cross-sectional descriptive study to determine the overall, age and gender specific prevalence, trigger factors and impact of headache and migraine on quality of life of students attending secondary schools in Benin City, Nigeria. METHODS Six secondary schools were randomly selected

Sleep and primary headaches.

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The relationship between sleep and primary headaches has been known for over a century, particularly for headaches occurring during the night or early morning. Migraine, tension-tyre headache, and cluster headache may cause sleep fragmentation, insomnia, and hypersomnia, causing considerable social
Primary headaches account for 90% of all the forms of headache. The disease is characterized by high occurrence in the working-age population and by significant impact in countries with high economic and social development. These two epidemiological aspects carry significant economic costs that can

Epidemiological, clinical and pharmacological aspects of headache in a university undergraduate population in Palestine.

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Headache is one of the most common complaints in clinical practice. Few studies regarding headache in university students have been conducted in the Middle East. The objective of this study was to explore the prevalence, clinical characteristics, triggering factors and treatment options of headaches

Central sensitisation phenomena in primary headaches: overview of a preventive therapeutic approach.

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Central sensitisation phenomena have been well recognized in the development of migraine attacks and tension type headache. It is also known that headache frequency is related to sensitization. Though some studies have focused on the effects of symptomatic treatment on allodynia, few reports have

Short-term outcomes of tension type and migraine headache in children.

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OBJECTIVE To study the short-term outcome and the factors associated with the outcome in childhood tension type and migraine headache patients. METHODS Children aged 16 years or less with first diagnosed of either migraine or tension-type headache were reassured the cause of headache and treated by
Disrupted sleep is associated with a reciprocal influence on headaches and is one of the contributing factors in the process of chronicity. The goal of the present study was to investigate the influence of sleep on headaches using animal rapid eye movement (REM) sleep deprivation and

Impact of 24-Hour On-Call Shifts on Headache in Medical Residents: A Cohort Study

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Background: During 24-hour on-call shifts medical residents are exposed to diverse circumstances such as sleep deprivation and stress. Objective: Our aim is to assess the effect of 24-hour on-call shifts on medical residents'

Sleep quality and arousal in migraine and tension-type headache: the headache-sleep study.

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OBJECTIVE The present paper summarizes and compares data from our studies on subjective and objective sleep quality and pain thresholds in tension-type headache (TTH), migraine, and controls. METHODS In a blinded controlled explorative study, we recorded polysomnography (PSG) and pressure, heat, and

Sleep and headache syndromes: a clinical review.

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The relationship between sleep and headache has been known for over a century. Sleep represents the only well documented behavioral state related to the occurrence of some headache syndrome. Liveing in 1873, wrote about the effect of sleep in terminating an attack of headache. Bing also, noted this
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