Haitian Creole

spermatic cord torsion/hitasótt

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Spermatic cord torsion in adults.

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A five year retrospective review of 15 cases of spermatic cord torsion in male patients 18-years or older was performed. Eighty percent of patients were correctly diagnosed at time of initial presentation while 20% of patients were misdiagnosed as epididymitis. Fifty three percent of cases has

Acute scrotal pain complicating familial Mediterranean fever in children.

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Twenty-nine children with familial Mediterranean fever presented with 39 attacks of acute scrotal pain. Of these, 25 patients had an acute scrotum complicating familial Mediterranean fever and only four had testicular torsion. Scrotal pain was the only manifestation of a familial Mediterranean fever

Clinical features of testicular torsion and epididymo-orchitis in infants younger than 3 months.

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OBJECTIVE Testicular torsion (TT) and orchitis/epididymo-orchitis (EO) are confusing and difficult for physicians to diagnose in infants younger than 3 months. The aim of the study was to delineate the etiology and the clinical features of TT and EO in this age group. METHODS During the period

Unusual presentation of testicular torsion. A review of 40 cases.

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The symptomatology of testicular torsion was atypical in 16 patients among the 40 that we treated. The occurrence of fever together with the torsion (8 cases), the existence of intense local inflammatory signs (16 cases), its occurrence in adults (23 cases), ectopic testicle (2 cases), and the

Confirmed testicular torsion in a 67 year old.

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Torsion amongst the elderly population is rarely described. This case presents the oldest surgically confirmed case of testicular torsion, in a 67-year-old male, within the UK. Presenting to the emergency department with a 10-day history of left-sided testicular pain, initially treated with

Cocaine abuse that presents with acute scrotal pain and mimics testicular torsion.

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Report case (s) relevant aspects: Man, 27 years old, complaining of acute testicular pain by 2 hours in the remaining left testicle. Denies fever, lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria, urinary frequency, concommitant or prior urethral discharge to the painful condition. He underwent right

Testicular cavernous hemangioma associated with testicular torsion - case report and review of literature.

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BACKGROUND Testicular neoplasms that are derived from connective tissue, blood vessels and musculature are uncommon and intra-testicular tumors of vascular origin are extremely rare; both are benign in nature. Testicular hemangioma is exceedingly rare and typically occurs in patients younger than 20
BACKGROUND To assess the clinical presentation of patients who underwent surgical exploration for acute scrotum and to investigate the potentially related factors for differential dignosis. METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 97 patients who underwent surgical exploration for

Testicular torsion: a diagnosis not to be missed.

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A 25-year-old male was seen in the outpatient with complaints of left testicular swelling and intermittent pain for 4 years, aggravated 8 months back in association with nausea and vomiting. There was no history of trauma, or fever and no lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) were present. After

Imaging in emphysematous epididymo-orchitis: A rare cause of acute scrotum.

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Emphysematous epididymo-orchitis is an uncommon, acute inflammatory process of epididymis and testis characterized by the presence of air within the tissue. Patient presents with fever, acute pain, swelling and tenderness in the scrotum. Imaging is needed for rapid accurate diagnosis and to

[Diagnosis of acute abdominal pain in infants].

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In front of infant and toddler presenting with unexplained cries, unusual behavior, and tachycardia, pain should be recognized, and signs and symptoms of shock and intestinal occlusion should be sought without any delay. Meningitis, pyelonephritis, and pneumonia must be taken into consideration in a

Advantages of diagnostic nuclear medicine part 2: cardiac and other nonmusculoskeletal disorders.

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Advances in nuclear medicine have improved the detection and localization of very small abnormalities. Radionuclide imaging of myocardial perfusion is very useful for detecting coronary artery disease in patients who have an ambiguous presentation, such as those with chest pain syndrome and a

Acute Abdominal Pain in Children.

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Acute abdominal pain accounts for approximately 9% of childhood primary care office visits. Symptoms and signs that increase the likelihood of a surgical cause for pain include fever, bilious vomiting, bloody diarrhea, absent bowel sounds, voluntary guarding, rigidity, and rebound tenderness. The

A 19-year review of paediatric patients with acute scrotum.

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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to compare incidence, symptoms and signs of spermatic cord torsion to those of other conditions causing acute scrotum. METHODS Records of 388 consecutive boys under 17 years of age treated for acute scrotum at The Hospital for Children and Adolescents in Helsinki

The acute scrotum.

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Testicular torsion is characterized by the sudden onset of testicular pain associated with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Fever is unusual and urinalysis is often normal. Fever, pyuria, dysuria and urethral discharge are characteristic of epididymitis. Radionuclide scanning and Doppler
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