Haitian Creole

status asthmaticus/bjúgur

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[Bronchial spasm or edema, factor in the asthmatic crisis].

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Non-invasive ventilation in severe asthma attacks.

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Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a very effective technique for severe acute exacerbations of COPD/COLD and acute pulmonary edema, but its interest is still a matter of debate for severe asthma attacks. However, despite a slow decrease in asthma mortality, which actually mainly concerns older

Status Asthmaticus and Central Herniation: A Case for Multidisciplinary Critical Care.

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A 24-year-old woman with history of asthma was intubated emergently for acute status asthmaticus triggered by acute respiratory syncytial virus infection and treated with permissive hypercapnia. Her ventilation was complicated by auto-positive end-expiratory pressure and elevated peak airway,

Management of respiratory failure in status asthmaticus.

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Status asthmaticus is a life-threatening episode of asthma that is refractory to usual therapy. Recent studies report an increase in the severity and mortality associated with asthma. In the airways, inflammatory cell infiltration and activation and cytokine generation produce airway injury and

Current management of status asthmaticus in the pediatric ICU.

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Status asthmaticus (SA) in the pediatric ICU (PICU) can progress to a life-threatening emergency. The goal of management is to improve hypoxemia, improve bronchoconstriction, and decrease airway edema through the administration of continuous nebulized beta2 adrenergic agonist with intermittent

Treatment of life-threatening hypercapnia with isoflurane in an infant with status asthmaticus.

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We encountered a 2-year-old child with life-threatening hypercapnia, with a PaCO(2) of 238 mm Hg and severe respiratory and metabolic acidosis, due to status asthmaticus that was refractory to steroid and bronchodilator therapy. Suspecting ventilatory failure and excessive ventilation-induced

Status asthmaticus in children: a review.

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About 10% of American children have asthma, and its prevalence, morbidity, and mortality have been increasing. Asthma is an inflammatory disease with edema, bronchial constriction, and mucous plugging. Status asthmaticus in children requires aggressive treatment with beta-agonists, anticholinergics,

A 10-year-old child with status asthmaticus, hypercapnia and a unilateral dilated pupil.

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This article reports the case of a 10-year-old child with an exacerbation of asthma requiring mechanical ventilation. His immediate course was complicated by significantly elevated arterial CO(2) tensions and a unilateral dilated pupil. A computed tomography scan of his brain failed to demonstrate

[Diagnosis of acute respiratory failure and nosocomial pneumonia].

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The aim of this study was to determine diagnosis and factors influencing acute respiratory failure and nosocomial pneumonia according to literature and clinical findings in critically ill patients. The term "respiratory failure" implies the inability to maintain either normal delivery of oxygen to

[Etiology and pathogenesis of acute respiratory failure].

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The aim of this study was to determine factors influencing acute respiratory failure and pathogenesis according to literature and clinical findings in critically ill patients. The term "respiratory failure" implies the inability to maintain either the normal delivery of oxygen to tissues and release
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV), i.e. without tracheal intubation, has been reintroduced for the treatment of respiratory failure to reduce the complications of mechanical ventilation. Nowadays, NIV with positive pressure is the preferred method, applied through a mask held in place by a harness.

An analysis of fifteen childhood asthma fatalities.

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There is evidence from pediatric tertiary care centers in the United States that childhood deaths from asthma in hospitalized patients are becoming increasingly rare, while asthma mortality outside the hospital appears to be on the rise. When a young outpatient with asthma dies, the event is apt to

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation.

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OBJECTIVE A critical review of the most recent literature regarding use and clinical indications of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV). RESULTS According to several randomized controlled trials, NIV has gained acceptance as the preferred ventilatory modality to treat acute respiratory failure

[Sensitization to digoxin with demostration of reagini antibodies].

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The author presents the case of a male patient, 60 years old, suffering a chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy with cor pulmonale in a state of cardiorespiratory insuffiency. Without any personal or familial history of allergy, a few minutes after the ingestion of .5mg of Digoxin a picture occurs

The pathobiology of bronchial asthma.

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Early studies of patients dying from status asthmaticus revealed marked inflammation of the bronchial tree. Subsequent histological studies of the airways and examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of subjects with mild asthma have confirmed the presence of airway inflammation in life. There is
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