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First febrile seizures. Characteristics of the child, the seizure, and the illness.

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Through interviews with parents, data were gathered about 910 first febrile seizures in children aged 8 to 34 months. A male preponderance of 57% was found (P < .001). In 29% of cases, there was a family history of febrile seizures. Eighteen percent of seizures were focal, and 7% lasted 15 minutes

The role of the middle ear and tonsil in the etiology of febrile convulsions.

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The middle ear and tonsil are thought to be important sources of infection in children with febrile seizures. However, these patients are rarely examined by an otolaryngologist in the acute phase and we are unaware of any previous studies where otolaryngologists have documented the presence of acute

Childhood febrile seizures (Benin City experience).

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About 20% of children admitted during the study period had febrile convulsions, of which 5% were aged below 5 months or above 5 years. The study confirms the view that there is a strong familial predisposition in febrile seizures. Major causes of the rise in temperature in those studied included

Serum Zinc Level in Children Presenting with Febrile Seizures.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of low serum zinc level in children presenting with febrile seizures at The Children's Hospital and the Institute of Child Health (CH/ICH) Multan. METHODS This is an observational cross sectional study conducted at the Department of Pediatric Medicine, The

Respiratory alkalosis in children with febrile seizures.

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OBJECTIVE Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common type of convulsive events in children. FS are suggested to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. However, the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying FS remain unclear. Using an animal model of experimental FS, it was

[A child with convulsions of unknown origin: posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome].

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BACKGROUND Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a rare complication in children with post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN). METHODS An 8-year-old boy was brought to the emergency department with seizures preceded by acute headache attacks and vomiting. On examination the boy

Diseases that mimic meningitis. Analysis of 650 lumbar punctures.

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A retrospective review of charts for 650 children who had lumbar puncture for suspected meningitis was undertaken to determine the characteristics of patients with and without meningitis, identify other conditions suggesting meningitis, and evaluate the predictive value of signs and symptoms of
BACKGROUND Coxsackievirus A6 (CV-A6) represents the predominant enterovirus serotype in Hong Kong, but its epidemiology in our population was unknown. OBJECTIVE To examine the clinical and molecular epidemiology of CV-A6 and detect emerging recombinant strains in Hong Kong. METHODS Nasopharyngeal

Adenovirus infection in families.

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Eighteen families were followed up for four to six weeks after one member of each family was diagnosed as having an adenovirus infection. In 17 of 18 index cases the diagnosis was based on the rapid detection of adenovirus hexon antigen in the nasopharyngeal mucus specimens and in one case (the only

Routine emergency department use for sick care by children in the United States.

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BACKGROUND The use of the emergency departments as a regular source of sick care has been increasing, despite the fact that it is costly and is often an inappropriate source of care. This study examines factors associated with routine use of emergency departments by using a national sample of US

Adenoviral diseases in children: a study of 105 hospital cases.

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The clinical findings for 105 children hospitalized with adenoviral infection were studied prospectively. In 82 children, the diagnosis was based on the detection of adenovirus antigen in the nasopharyngeal specimens and in 17 children in the feces. In the remaining six patients, findings from

[Current surgical indications for tonsillar pathology].

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Tonsillectomy is one of the most controversial topics in otolaryngology. Today the immunologic role of the lymphoid tissue allows to clarify the surgical indications. Chronic bacterial tonsillitis, obstructive hypertrophic tonsils, peritonsillar abscess, suspicious of malignancy and fever

[The clinical analysis of febrile children].

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To understand the febrile children in clinic practice, 3793 cases had been collected from our emergency unit from December 1984 to December 1985. Of them, 2841 (74.9%) were febrile with a male to female ratio of 3:2. Concerning age distribution, 22% were younger than 6 months, 21.5% between 7 months

Safety of a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine in healthy subjects aged 9 months to 55 years in Vietnam.

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Meningococcal disease is a major global health concern due to its severe and sudden clinical manifestations, devastating long-term sequelae, and predominance in younger age groups. This study evaluated the safety of a quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid
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  • Virkar á 55 tungumálum
  • Jurtalækningar studdir af vísindum
  • Jurtaviðurkenning eftir ímynd
  • Gagnvirkt GPS kort - merktu jurtir á staðsetningu (kemur fljótlega)
  • Lestu vísindarit sem tengjast leit þinni
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