Haitian Creole


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A 74-year-old woman with impaired glucose tolerance exhibited virilization. An examination of various hormone levels showed normal pituitary hormone and adrenal hormone levels. However, the patient's blood testosterone level was remarkably high and was suspected of having caused the virilization. An

Virilizing ovarian tumor of low malignant potential associated with antecedent tamoxifen use for breast cancer.

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A patient is described who was treated with tamoxifen for breast cancer and developed an androgen-producing ovarian tumor of low malignant potential, which itself is a rare condition. Clinically overt virilism was leading to the diagnosis and promptly improved after surgical removal of the tumor. A

Mammary ovarian metastases with stroma cell hyperplasia and postmenopausal virilization.

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The case of a 57-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer is reported. She presented 10 years later with virilization. Stroma cell hyperplasia was present in the metastatic ovaries. The authors describe hormonal data and discuss the pathogenesis of the stromal activity. Mammary ovarian

[Internal endocrine therapy of breast cancer].

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Additive endocrine therapy of breast cancer was first initiated by androgen treatment through intramuscular administration which proved to be effective in about 25% of trial cases. It was followed by another trial of massive administration of estrogens mainly to patients of more than 60 years of
Post-menopause hyperandrogenism is a condition that needs careful evaluation. Aromatase inhibitors (AI), which are important in the management of positive estrogen breast cancer, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) can puzzle the evaluation of this condition. A postmenopause female with type-2 diabetes
OBJECTIVE This clinical trial evaluated the addition of fluoxymesterone (Flu) to tamoxifen (Tam) in women with resected early stage breast cancer and attempted to corroborate the findings of superiority for the combination over Tam alone seen in a previous randomized trial in metastatic

Occult leydig cell tumour and androgen-receptor positive breast cancer in a woman with severe hyperandrogenism.

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Leydig cell tumours represent more than 75% of all testosterone-secreting ovarian masses. These benign tumours are frequently occult or very small, but cause dramatic virilization. Chronic hyperandrogenism can also induce systemic complications, which increase morbidity and mortality risk. One of

Nandrolone decanoate added to tamoxifen in the treatment of advanced breast cancer.

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Since 1980 we have been carrying out a prospective randomized trial comparing tamoxifen with the combination of tamoxifen plus nandrolone decanoate in advanced breast cancer. The tamoxifen dose is 30 mg daily and the nandrolone decanoate dose 100 mg i.m. once a week for four weeks and thereafter

[Clinical analysis of 11 cases of ovarian Setoli-Leydig cell tumor].

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OBJECTIVE To study the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognostic factors of ovarian Setoli-Leydig cell tumor. METHODS During 1962 - 2002, a total of 11 patients with Setoli-Leydig cell tumor were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS Microscopically, seven of the neoplasms were well

EAA clinical practice guidelines-gynecomastia evaluation and management.

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Gynecomastia (GM) is a benign proliferation of the glandular tissue of the breast in men. It is a frequent condition with a reported prevalence of 32-65%, depending on the age and the criteria used for definition. GM of infancy and puberty are common, benign conditions resolving

Aromatase expression in health and disease.

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Family 19 of the P450 superfamily is responsible for the conversion of C19 androgenic steroids to the corresponding estrogens, a reaction known as aromatization, since it involves conversion of the delta 4-3-one A-ring of the androgens to the corresponding phenolic A-ring characteristic of

Recent highlights of research on androgen receptors in women.

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In this brief review we present an outline of the current state of research on examples of hyperandrogenism that can be strongly associated with diverse modifications in the androgen signaling pathway. We discuss the most prominent clinical features of androgen excess and correlate them with studies

Safety of estrogen/androgen regimens.

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A persistent view of testosterone as the "male hormone" deprives many clinically androgen deficient women of effective treatment, although data from the 1960s to the present have indicted the importance of androgens to libido and feelings of well-being in women, providing relief from vasomotor
BACKGROUND The safety of long-term physiological doses of testosterone (T) therapy in women with sexual dysfunction is a contentious issue, in part, because of fear of adverse effects, such as breast cancer, vascular disease, and excessive virilization. This unsubstantiated fear has hampered

Safety of testosterone treatment in postmenopausal women.

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OBJECTIVE To critically examine the safety of T therapy given to postmenopausal women. METHODS MEDLINE literature review, cross-reference of published data, and review of Food and Drug Administration transcripts. RESULTS Although some retrospective and observational studies provide some long-term
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