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For thousands of years in Asia, Althaea rosea Cavanil (ARC) and Plantago major L. (PML) have been used as powerful non-toxic therapeutic agents that inhibit inflammation. However, the anticancer mechanisms and molecular targets of ARC and PML are poorly understood, particularly in epidermal growth
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The medicinal plant marshmallow Althaea officinalis L. (A. officinalis), is used for the treatment of cough since centuries. Application of medicinal extracts of marshmallow roots shows immediate effects like a protective film on the inflamed mucosa.
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The process optimization and biological characterization of marshmallow root polysaccharides (MRPs) obtained from the microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) were studied. The highest MAE-yield (14.47%) was optimized at 457.32 W and 75 °C for 26 min. The extracted crude polysaccharides were purified
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