British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2005-Dec
Giant osteoma of the frontoethmoidal sinus associated with two cerebral abscesses.
רק משתמשים רשומים יכולים לתרגם מאמרים
התחבר הרשם
הקישור נשמר בלוח
מילות מפתח
A 36-year-old woman presented with severe frontal headache, fever, left palpebral swelling, and proptosis. Radiographic studies showed a giant frontoethmoidal osteoma, that extended intracranially into the frontal lobe and was associated with two abscesses, one within the lesion and the other in the right frontal lobe. The tumour was excised and the abscesses drained. The patient made a full recovery.