[Uteroplacental insufficiency in chorangiomatosis].
מילות מפתח
Chorangioma is a benign angiomatous tumor of the placenta occurring with a frequency of approximately 1 % of all examined placentas. Pregnancies especially with large chorangiomas are frequently complicated by abruptio placentae, premature labour, fetal anaemia, hydrops, cardiomegaly and polyhydramnios. We here report a case of an extremely rare chorangiomatosis. Multiple chorangiomas measuring up to 1.5 cm comprised approximately one third of the placenta. A caesarean section had to be performed at 36 weeks of gestation because of uteroplacental insufficiency with oligohydramnios. Displacement of normal placental parenchyma by chorangiomatosis as a cause of uteroplacental insufficiency is very likely. Colour doppler imaging allows early diagnosis and management of chorangiomas. Thus, in our case early diagnosis of uteroplacental insufficiency was rendered. Principally, early diagnosis of fetal hazard due to myocardial insufficiency of the fetus is feasible. In-utero-endoscopy permits prenatal laser devascularisation of large chorangiomas. In the reported case the pregnancy was closely monitored with colour flow imaging. The diagnosis of uteroplacental insufficiency was established because of abnormal blood flow of the uterine arteries and abnormal fetal heart rate (FHR). At the same time fetal cardiomegaly and pathologic blood flow of the ductus venosus in terms of beginning fetal myocardial insufficiency was recognized. Consequently, caesarean section could be performed opportune.