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מאמריםניסויים קלינייםפטנטים
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Cytosine Methylation Affects the Mutability of Neighbouring Nucleotides in Germline and Soma.

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התחבר הרשם
Methylated cytosines deaminate at higher rates than unmethylated cytosines and the lesions they produce are repaired less efficiently. As a result, methylated cytosines are mutational hotspots. Here, combining rare polymorphism and base-resolution methylation data in human, Arabidopsis

Genome-Wide Discriminatory Information Patterns of Cytosine DNA Methylation.

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התחבר הרשם
Cytosine DNA methylation (CDM) is a highly abundant, heritable but reversible chemical modification to the genome. Herein, a machine learning approach was applied to analyze the accumulation of epigenetic marks in methylomes of 152 ecotypes and 85 silencing mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. In an

Information Thermodynamics of Cytosine DNA Methylation.

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התחבר הרשם
Cytosine DNA methylation (CDM) is a stable epigenetic modification to the genome and a widespread regulatory process in living organisms that involves multicomponent molecular machines. Genome-wide cytosine methylation patterning participates in the epigenetic reprogramming of a cell, suggesting

Cooperative activity of DNA methyltransferases for maintenance of symmetrical and non-symmetrical cytosine methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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התחבר הרשם
Maintenance of cytosine methylation in plants is controlled by three DNA methyltransferases. MET1 maintains CG methylation, and DRM1/2 and CMT3 act redundantly to enforce non-CG methylation. RPS, a repetitive hypermethylated DNA fragment from Petunia hybrida, attracts DNA methylation when

The methylation pattern of a cytosine DNA-methyltransferase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana plants.

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התחבר הרשם
Using a PCR-amplified 5'-end proximal 600-bp fragment and two cDNA clones of cytosine DNA-methyltransferase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana as specific probes in hybridization with plant DNA samples, hydrolyzed by methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases HpaII and MspI, it has been established

The gene for domains rearranged methyltransferase (DRM2) in Arabidopsis thaliana plants is methylated at both cytosine and adenine residues.

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התחבר הרשם
The methylation patterns of cytosine and adenine residues in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene for domains rearranged methyltransferase (DRM2) were studied in wild-type and several transgene plant lines containing antisense fragments of the cytosine DNA-methyltransferase gene METI under the control of

[Is the cytosine DNA methyltransferase gene MET1 regulated by DNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana plants?].

רק משתמשים רשומים יכולים לתרגם מאמרים
התחבר הרשם
The methylation patterns of the MET1 gene in organs of Arabidopsis thaliana were studied by Southern blot hybridization of DNA samples hydrolyzed with differentially methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases. A highly methylated on internal cytosine residue CCGG site was found 1.5 kb upstream

The control of natural variation in cytosine methylation in Arabidopsis.

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התחבר הרשם
We explore the extent and sources of epigenetic variation in cytosine methylation in natural accessions of the flowering plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, by focusing on the methylation of the major rRNA gene repeats at the two nucleolus organizer regions (NOR). Our findings indicate that natural

A conditional negative selection for Arabidopsis expressing a bacterial cytosine deaminase gene.

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התחבר הרשם
The enzyme activity for cytosine deaminase, which converts cytosine to uracil in bacterial, is usually undetected in higher plants and animals. The enzyme also catalyzes conversion of non-toxic 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) to 5- fluorouracil (5-FU), a toxic compound for plant growth. The gene encoding

Arabidopsis PAI gene arrangements, cytosine methylation and expression.

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התחבר הרשם
Previous analysis of the PAI tryptophan biosynthetic gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana revealed that the Wassilewskija (WS) ecotype has four PAI genes at three unlinked sites: a tail-to-tail inverted repeat at one locus (PAI1-PAI4) plus singlet genes at two other loci (PAI2 and PAI3). The four WS
The Arabidopsis histone deacetylase HDA6 is required to silence transgenes, transposons, and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes subjected to nucleolar dominance in genetic hybrids. In nonhybrid Arabidopsis thaliana, we show that a class of 45S rRNA gene variants that is normally inactivated during

Identification and characterization of the cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase gene family in Salvia miltiorrhiza.

רק משתמשים רשומים יכולים לתרגם מאמרים
התחבר הרשם
Cytosine DNA methylation is highly conserved epigenetic modification involved in a wide range of biological processes in eukaryotes. It was established and maintained by cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferases (C5-MTases) in plants. Through genome-wide identification, eight putative SmC5-MTase genes were
The methylation of cytosine to 5-methylcytosine (5-meC) is an important epigenetic DNA modification in many bacteria, plants, and mammals, but its relevance for important model organisms, including Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, is still equivocal. By reporting the presence of

Genome-wide mapping of cytosine methylation revealed dynamic DNA methylation patterns associated with genes and centromeres in rice.

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התחבר הרשם
We conducted genome-wide mapping of cytosine methylation using methylcytosine immunoprecipitation combined with Illumina sequencing. The chromosomal distribution pattern of methylated DNA is similar to the heterochromatin distribution pattern on rice chromosomes. The DNA methylation patterns of rice

Isolation and identification by sequence homology of a putative cytosine methyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana.

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התחבר הרשם
A plant cytosine methyltransferase cDNA was isolated using degenerate oligonucleotides, based on homology between prokaryote and mouse methyltransferases, and PCR to amplify a short fragment of a methyltransferase gene. A fragment of the predicted size was amplified from genomic DNA from Arabidopsis
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