4 תוצאות
PhD project description
The arterial wall in patients with diabetes: Do changes in arterial basement membrane proteins predict future arterial disease? Are remodeling processes altered?
Applicant: Anne-Sofie Faarvang Thorsen1, MD
Main supervisor: Professor Lars Melholt Rasmussen1
Patients: 6 adults with type 2diabetes will be selected, ages between 25 and 50 years, with more than 5 and less than 10 years of disease, adherent to treatment with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin, who agree to participate in the study through a written informed consent. Only those with a high
Laser photocoagulation of the retina targeting the outer layers is an established therapy for proliferative retinopathy and macular edema from diabetic microangiopathy or retinal vein occlusion, centrals serous retinopathy, and extrafoveal subretinal neovascular membranes. However,
This is a 24 week clinical study which will be double-masked. Subjects will be randomly assigned 2:1 to Macugen® every 4 weeks (IVMac q4 arm) or Macugen® every 6 weeks (IVMac q6 arm). If both eyes are eligible, then one eye will be randomized into the trial. Fellow eyes of patients with two eligible