3 תוצאות
Gnetum gnemon is an arboreal dioecious plant that is cultivated in Indonesia. The seeds of this species mainly contain dimeric stilbenoid compounds [gnetin C (1), gnemonoside A (2), and gnemonoside D (3)] along with trans-resveratrol (4). trans-Resveratrol has been reported to have antiaging,
Background Metabolic disease like diabetes mellitus is on the increase in developing countries due to lack of access to orthodox medicine owing to its high cost. Health benefits of culinary vegetables cannot be overemphasized. This study therefore aims to profile the hypoglycaemic potentials of 12
Studies were undertaken to evaluate the bioavailability in rats and content analysis of gnetol in Gnetum gnemon products reported to contain gnetol and to examine the pharmacological properties of gnetol in in vitro models including anti-inflammatory/analgesic, antidiabetic, anti-adipogenesis, and