4 תוצאות
Nandina domestica is grown as an ornamental plant in the United States but has also been reported as an invasive plant in a number of states. Parts of the plant, particularly the berries, contain cyanogenic glycosides that convert to hydrogen cyanide when ingested. This investigation characterized
On 2 October 2015, the Event-Based Surveillance and Response Unit of the Department of Health (DOH), Philippines received a report of foodborne illness cases in Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur. A team from DOH was sent to conduct an investigation to identify the implicated source and Cyanide is notoriously known to the public for more than a century now as a weapon of mass destruction (Zyklon B gas - hydrogen cyanide used by Nazis), an agent for chemical warfare during World War I (hydrogen cyanide) and very infamous "Suicide Pill" used in the past by military and
The seeds of cycads contain cycasin and neocycasin, which belong to the family of cyanogenic glycosides. These glycosides of cycads are considered pseudocyanogenic with little potential to liberate hydrogen cyanide as other cyanogenic glycosides do. This study investigated the clinical