Four new lignans, strebluslignanol F (1), (7'R,8'S,7″R,8″S)-erythro-strebluslignanol G (2), isomagnaldehyde (3) and isostrebluslignanaldehyde (4), along with 12 known lignans (5-16) were isolated from the ethyl acetate-soluble part of MeOH extract of the root of Streblus asper. Their structures were
Seven compounds, (7'S,8'S)-trans-streblusol A, (7'R,8'S)-erythro-streblusol B, (7'S,8'S)-threo-streblusol B, 8'R-streblusol C, streblusquinone, (8R,8'R)-streblusol D, and streblusol E, along with 15 known compounds (8-22) were isolated from the n-butanol-soluble part of the MeOH extract of stem bark