4 תוצאות
The effects of the phenylpropanoid glycosides verbascoside and martynoside from Pedicularis plicata were investigated on muscle contractility in Bufo gastrocnemius muscle electrically stimulated in vitro. The maximum amplitude and maintained time of contraction were mechanically recorded and used as
To investigate the antioxidant property and potential ameliorating effective ingredients for high altitude-induced fatigue from Gansu Maxianhao (Pedicularis Kansuensis Maxim.).Macroporous adsorptive resin combined with polyamide chromatographic column was BACKGROUND
Most researches were focused on chemical constituents and bioactivities of Pedicularis. However, there were a few reports on simultaneous determination of the series phenylpropanoids compounds in Pedicularis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
To establish an HPLC
In the present review, the literature data on the chemical constituents and biological investigations of the genus Pedicularis are summarized. Some species of Pedicularis have been widely applied in traditional Chinese medicine. A wide range of chemical components including iridoid glycosides,