3 תוצאות
Chronic radiation proctopathy occurs in 5%-20% of patients following pelvic radiotherapy. Although many cases resolve spontaneously, some lead to chronic symptoms including diarrhea, tenesmus, urgency and persistent rectal bleeding with iron deficiency anemia requiring blood transfusions. Treatments
We determined the ionic composition of faecal fluid from 13 patients with Crohn's disease limited to the colon, 10 with diffuse ulcerative colitis, and eight with ulcerative proctitis. The Crohn's and colitis groups had similar proportions of colon surface involved radiographically and similar 24
A 73-year-old woman developed abnormal electrolyte and water loss from an excluded rectosigmoid segment after surgical treatment of a volvulus of the sigmoid colon. Rectal discharges lasted almost for a year, until it spontaneously resolved after restoration of large bowel continuity. Despite