5 תוצאות
Mechanical ventilation in 75 out of 560 status asthmaticus episodes during a five-year period (1984-1988) at Chulalongkorn Hospital were analyzed. There were 58 patients with an average age of onset of first asthmatic attack of 18.5 years and an average age when requiring mechanical ventilation of
The precise definition of a severe asthmatic exacerbation is an issue that presents difficulties. The term 'status asthmaticus' relates severity to outcome and has been used to define a severe asthmatic exacerbation that does not respond to and/or perilously delays the repetitive or continuous
Mechanical ventilation in the asthmatic child may be complicated by dynamic air trapping leading to hemodynamic compromise and cardiac arrest. High-frequency oscillatory ventilation is relatively contraindicated because it may cause hyperinflation compared to conventional mechanical ventilation. A
Morbidity and mortality derived from asthma continue to be a main public health problem in many countries, in spite of the advances in the knowledge on the disease and its treatment. There are several risk factors for asthma attack which have to be considered in the management of patients in order
Severe asthma, although difficult to define, includes all cases of difficult/therapy-resistant disease of all age groups and bears the largest part of morbidity and mortality from asthma. Acute, severe asthma, status asthmaticus, is the more or less rapid but severe asthmatic exacerbation that may