Phlebectatic peliosis hepatis in Australian cattle.
Peliosis hepatis can be produced predictably in cattle following regular oral dosing for several weeks with dried plant of various Pimelea spp which contain irritant diterpenoid daphnane esters such as simplexin . The condition is associated with a massive hypervolemia and cor pulmonale. Affected animals may recover after removal of the toxin from the diet. The mechanism of peliosis hepatis in man and other species is obscure, and the present model in the large domestic species could well be employed in investigations of the pathogenesis of this lesion. The condition appears to have its origin as a portal venular ectasia and can be regarded as a true phlebectatic peliosis hepatis. Blood volume measurements may be of value in forecasting the possible development of peliosis hepatis in humans, which may occur in association with regular long-term anabolic steroid therapy.