5 結果
We did this work to discover the pathways of carbohydrate fermentation in unaerated roots of three species of flood-tolerant plants, Ranunculus sceleratus, Glyceria maxima, and Senecio aquaticus. The experiments were done with the apical 1-2 cm of the roots and the results for the three species were
Very little is known about the primary carbon metabolism of the high mountain plant Ranunculus glacialis. It is a species with C3 photosynthesis, but with exceptionally high malate content in its leaves, the biological significance of which remains unclear. 13C/12C-isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Ranunculus asiaticus L. is a quantitative long-day geophyte, grown in a cold greenhouse for cut flowers and potted plants. Flowering in ranunculus is a complex process, strongly steered by temperature and photoperiodism. Vernalization of rehydrated tuberous roots anticipate sprouting and leaf
The turlough form of Ranunculus repens is subjected to several months' complete inundation with hard groundwater. Experimental flooding to the level of the soil surface had no effect on turlough or ruderal populations relative to drained controls. Experimental submergence resulted in direct tissue
Several biodiversity experiments have shown positive effects of species richness on aboveground biomass production, but highly variable responses of individual species. The well-known fact that the competitive ability of plant species depends on size differences among species, raises the question of